This is an extremely cool thing to learn about #bladerunner2049 and the post does a great job explaining how the technique fits into the #scifi world they built. Recommended reading for #cyberpunk enjoyers! #bladerunner
This is an extremely cool thing to learn about #bladerunner2049 and the post does a great job explaining how the technique fits into the #scifi world they built. Recommended reading for #cyberpunk enjoyers! #bladerunner
BLADE RUNNER 2049 - International Trailer #3
BLADE RUNNER 2049 - "2036: Nexus Dawn" Short
BLADE RUNNER 2049 - Official Trailer
The Peugeot "not-Spinner" from Blade Runner 2049.
Scratchbuilt at Hotwheels/Matchbox scale (1:64) using plasticard and epoxy putty.
I also used the same basing as I did with the original Spinner model so that they match.
The orange windows are a nod to a large part of the film.
- and yes, it does make me consider watching BR2049 again; not crazy about the story but it's extremely beautiful.
Two things do give me pause, though: One, I can't fucking stand Jared Leto; pretty sure it's his fault the Niander Wallace character is so cringingly unbearable to watch & two, JOI may be the single most misogynist thing shoehorned into a mainstream movie since the turn of the century - I mean, what the fuck, Villeneuve!? #movies #bladerunner2049
Vorgestern mal wieder #BladeRunner2049 geguckt. Wird mit jedem mal besser. Jared Leto ist ein problematischer Darsteller, einer der wenigen, den ich ungern seh und hör, aber diesmal fand ich ihn als Replikanten-Macher Nieander Wallce ideal:
»Every leap of civilization was built off the back of a disposable workforce. We lost our stomach for slaves unless engineered.«
Taugt mir sehr, wie die Fortsetzung das Thema Arbeiter und Arbeit besser ausführt, als der Vorgänger.
@bruces It was so good, I forgot I watched it, and don't recall the plot.
I think I'd rather watch Lala Land or Barbie.
#happybirthday @DaveBautista #davebautista #actor #wwe #drax #guardiansofthegalaxy #gotgvol2 #infinitywar #avengersendgame #holidayspecial #ThorLoveandThunder #gotgvol3 #IntheLostLands #TheLastShowgirl #TheKillersGame #dune #riddick #escapeplan #theextrators #stuber #finalscore #marauders #thescorpionking3 #themanwithironfists #bladerunner2049 #myspy #ArmyoftheDead #glassonion #KnockattheCabin
Serata scoppiettante, segnalo...
#ThePrestige (Iris)
#Watchmen #VforVendetta #KickAss2 #Wanted (20)
#IndipendeceDay #BladeRunner2049 (Italia1)
#BramStokersDracula (Cielo)
#OceansEleven (Rete4)
#happybirthday @JaredLeto #jaredleto #actor #joker #suicidesquad #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #morbius #dallasbuyersclub #requiemforadream #houseofgucci #HauntedMansion #Tron #Ares #thelittlethings #theoutsider #bladerunner2049 #urbanlegend #thethinredline #girlinterrupted #mrnobody #Chapter27 #LonelyHearts #alexander #wecrashed #30SecondstoMars
#felizcumpleanos #happybirthday @ana_d_armas #anadearmas #actress #bladerunner2049 #Ghosted #Blonde #TheGrayMan #notimetodie #knivesout #DeepWater #TheNightClerk #TheInformer #Overdrive #WarDogs #KnockKnock #ForaHandfulofKisses #TheBoardingSchool #SexPartyandLies #Eledenperdido #Madrigal #UnarosadeFrancia
Somewhere out there, there's sketches, or an unfinished, or perhaps even a finished score by Jóhann Jóhannsson for #bladerunner2049 .
I basically grew up with #Vangelis, and #HansZimmer's tribute-like soundtrack is spectacular. Even so, I would love to hear how #johannjohannsson went about it.
#happybirthday @JaredLeto #jaredleto #actor #joker #suicidesquad #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #morbius #dallasbuyersclub #requiemforadream #urbanlegend #thethinredline #girlinterrupted #mrnobody #alexander #bladerunner2049 #theoutsider #thelittlethings #houseofgucci #wecrashed #HauntedMansion #30SecondstoMars
@astro_jcm I love what he did with #bladerunner2049 - so lovingly nodded to Vangelis, but created something all his own.