Good morning, Gosh I'm up early!Went to bed at around 10 or 11 last night, and then woke up at 6:45 this morning. Yes, it's going to be a long day, but let me tell you guys how my day went yesterday. Woke up to the heating unit in our attic not running correctly, so I wasn't getting back to sleep. Then I had 98 dollars taken from a credit given to me during a transaction dispute where I accidently paid my HOA twice. The reason why it was reversed, the HOA didn't respond to US bank, so US bank reversed it. Then, I tried to use my U card to get groceries, and we couldn't get it to work, because we do not know what items are able to be purchased with it, and even if we did, we wouldn't get them delivered til Monday. Then, I find out that there is a qualification form for being able to keep my U card benefits, luckly my agent and I got that handled, and sent to the PCP's office. But it gets better.During all this, I called Hiller and they said they would not be able to send someone til after 7 at night, and they came at 8. In the meantime, the unit starts working again. Guy gets here, tries to find a problem, can't, and syas good news your all good, but there is a $69.00 service fee for a visit because nothing was wrong. Okay, glad there was nothing wrong, but if we had not had help with that, we would have had to pay it later from the accounting department. Got $37.00 to my name right now, pending a withdraw from another account, which I was loathed to do, but our heat works, and I know that the enimy was trying to make me angry bitter and frustraighted at the world. I'm really am working on not letting that happen. #DaysOfOurLives #crazy Day #ThursdayDrama