January 1966, Elizabeth Shepherd and Patrick McGoohan in Danger Man. Cast as Emma Peel in The Avengers, Elizabeth Shepherd filmed one and a half episodes before being discarded. She went on to enjoy a long career in film, television and the theatre.
And then Steed could be The Doctor, which would make sense because later he would regenerate into Purdey.
#DoctorWho #TheAvengers
Or better still, Tara King
#LindaThorson #TaraKing
Here is my Review of The Avengers #23 2023 w/ Spoilers: https://youtu.be/K-p7p5rerZg #TheAvengers #Marvel #Comics #MarvelComics #Review
Popular Television, 1960s
The Avengers (1961-69)
The Honor Blackman-Diana Rigg-Linda Thorson eras of The Avengers are well-documented, so here I’ll focus on the series’ origins and what might have been.
. Diana Rigg as Emma Peel
Brie Larson Realises Media Is The ENEMY https://www.inbella.com/892941/brie-larson-realises-media-is-the-enemy/ #7Dwarves #analysis #BrieLarson #CaptainMarvel #Critics #DeepDive #Disney #Disparu #FemaleCelebrities #FirstImpressions #Journalists #marvel #media #MovieInterviews #News #RachelZegler #react #reacts #SnowWhite #TheAvengers
Avui fa 25 anys que ens arribava "Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes" per "PlayStation" de #Sony . #MarvelVsCapcomClashOfSuperHeroes #MegaMan #TheAvengers #Marvel #SpiderMan #XMen #StreetFighter #Darkstalkers #Playstation #Lluita #Videojocs
Lunedì fitto, segnalo...
#TheGodfather (Iris)
#TheBlindSIde (27)
#The12thMan (Cielo)
#Paris13thDistrict (Rai5)
#TheAvengers (Italia1)
Here is my Review of The Avengers #22 2023 w/ Spoilers:
https://youtu.be/tOHwPgePuzA #TheAvengers #Marvel #Comics #MarvelComics #Review
Well, I had a look at my Writing Plans for 2024 and it was not as bad as I assumed.
Publish #HeraldPetrel
Yep. https://books2read.com/HeraldPetrel
Finish "Strengths"
Yep. https://archiveofourown.org/works/48775423/chapters/123041050
Publish second edition of non-fiction thingy
Yep. No link, you really don't want to be bored to death.
Write Herald Petrel - Season 2
uhm... I started, okay? It is at 18,644 words as I write this post.
Mayhaps see if "Blue Nightsky, Nightmare Manager" has the potential for something https://archiveofourown.org/works/50619472
Nope. It is there, though. I might look at it in 2025...
Well, then, more than 50% is good, right?
And, I count it as bonus points: I crammed in a whole #TheAvengers #fanfic. "You Are Needed" came in at 41,291 words, that's not nothing. https://archiveofourown.org/works/53335912/chapters/134985016
I believe they employed two very clever techniques: (1) Getting up early in the morning (which you can tell by the shadows when they're outside St. Thomas' Hospital), (2) Shooting the sequences in #1964 .
This sort of thing is often rather striking in later episodes of The Avengers where you have all these empty London streets in high quality colour! Weird.
#DoctorWho #TheAvengers #history #London #population
#happybirthday @umathurman #umathurman #actress #killbill #pulpfiction #batmanandrobin #TheKillRoom #RedWhiteandRoyalBlue #HollywoodStargirl #TheWarwithGrandpa #DownaDarkHall #SuperPumped #Suspicion #Nymphomaniac #PercyJacksonandtheOlympians #TheLightningThief #Motherhood #MySuperExGirlfriend #TheAvengers #LesMiserables #Gattaca #DangerousLiaisons #TheAdventuresofBaronMunchausen
#HappyBirthday @RobertDowneyJr #RobertDowneyJr #actor #TonyStark #Ironman #theavengers #ageofultron #CaptainAmerica #CivilWar #infinitywar #spiderman #homecoming #endgame #Oppenheimer #TheSympathizer #sherlockholmes #AGameofShadows #chaplin #allymcbeal #tropicthunder #dolittle #Gothika #Bowfinger #OnlyYou #AirAmerica #WeirdScience #MarvelStudios #DisneyPlus
#Happybirthday @CobieSmulders #cobiesmulders #actress #mariahill #TheAvengers #CaptainAmerica #TheWinterSoldier #AgeofUltron #InfinityWar #Endgame #SpiderMan #FarFromHome #AgentsofSHIELD #WhatIf #SecretInvasion #HowIMetYourMother #SafeHaven #TheLegoMovie #Results #TheIntervention #JackReacher #NeverGoBack #ASeriesofUnfortunateEvents #Stumptown #Impeachment #AmericanCrimeStory