Mastodon Post
Terri Barous
Eric Brosius
Janet LaValley
Greg LoPiccolo
David Penzo
A friend told me just today, Wednesday, February 14, 2024, that Greg LoPiccolo of the Boston rock band Tribe lives not a great distance from where I am, Brattleboro, Vermont. This brought back a lot of memories. I have also been a fan of one of the siblings, Carlene Barous who was in the Boston band, Din, with another Tribe sibling, Bart LoPiccolo.
Here is a link to a piece about Tribe:
Music Museum of New England article
This "Cellars by Starlight" column by Brett Milano includes an article about Din.
The column leads with an article about the Boston band, Apollo Sunshine.
A little hard to read, but here is a Din notice written by the legendary Cowboy Mach Bell for Boston Groupie News.
(Scroll down a short way)
Mach Bell, a writer I admire, was the featured vocalist in one lineup of the Joe Perry Project.
Here is another from Mach Bell and BGN.
(Scroll like crazy)
While doing my own scrolling, I noticed that this CD Review feature includes a disc by Willie Alexander and the Boom Boom Band. One of its tracks, the eerie "Gravelly Hill," has attracted a great deal of attention. It may not make you forget "Mass. Ave;" but then again, what would. Why not give "Gravelly Hill" a spin.
#apollosunshine #bartlopiccolo #bgn #bostonbands #bostongroupienews #bostonmusic #brattleboro #brettmilano #carlenebarous #cellarsbystarlight #cowboymachbell #davidpenzo #dintheband #dogtownmassachusetts #ericbrosius #gravellyhill #greglopiccolo #janetlavalley #joeperryproject #machbell #massachusettsbands #massachusettsmusic #massave #massavewilliealexander #mmone #musicmuseumofnewengland #nemsbk #newenglandbands #newenglandmusic #thebanddin #thebandtribe #tribe #tribetheband #williealexander #williealexanderandtheboomboomband