Hello Fairphone users!
We would be very interested to hear your thoughts on the photo quality of the Fairphone camera/
Is it good? Bad? Any examples?
Hello Fairphone users!
We would be very interested to hear your thoughts on the photo quality of the Fairphone camera/
Is it good? Bad? Any examples?
¿Fairphone? ¿Qué es eso? ¿Se Come? XD
Chiste, sé lo que es.
Justamente estaba por preguntarte qué tal te ha parecido el dispositivo porque uno justamente anda buscando todas las alternativas posibles y al menos #Fairphone sonaba como algo interesante a revisar aunque deben valer lo suyo. Yo para adquirir uno seguramente debería desangrarme un año entero XD
Yo tengo un #xiaomi #pocophonef1 (es un modelo viejo que adquirí de... no sé cuántas manos) pero tiene su potencia así que siempre busco estirar su vida un poco más, al menos el hardware, lo que es sistema y demás hace rato que la obsolescencia programada me viene susurrando cual demonio al oído «Compra uno nuevo» y yo le respondo también en un grito susurrado «No puedo ¿Me lo pagas tu o qué?» XD
J'ai passé e/os/ sur mon #fairphone 3 d'android 11 à android 13.
Vraiment trop facile, bravo @murena et @gael
Tu branches le téléphone sur l'ordi, tu te connectes à https://e.foundation/installer/ et tu suis les instructions. Même plus besoin de faire des #adb et des #fastboot
Une petite heure pour réinstaller l'OS, mais quelques heures de plus quand même pour reconfigurer toutes les applis, ressaisir les url, les mots de passe etc.
Mais j'ai un téléphone tout neuf
Comparison of FP5 with /e/os preinstalled vs. installing it myself
J'ai bien reçu mes vignettes Tech, merci Machin Bidule pour l'idée, @fairphone pour le téléphone (Fairphone 3) et @commownfr pour la location (...depuis 2021, donc !)
En Unilago (centro comercial de tecnología) no hay celular que no se pueda reparar. Hace unos días le arreglamos la huella digital a un iphone 5 por $30.000 cop, unos 8 euros.
Fairphone Meetup MÜNCHEN
Montag, 31. März 2025
18:30 Uhr
Eine Welt Haus | Schwanthalerstraße 80
Neugierige willkommen Everyone curious welcome
i just picked up a #Fairphone with #eos !
I'll use #graphene_os on my existing #Pixel
@DoomsdaysCW the report is only about "the most popular cellphone and laptop brands", so the article about repairability doesn't even mention the Framework laptop or the Fairphone, what an omission
#framework #fairphone
@hannu_ikonen I have Bluetooth earbuds--as well as a phone--from this Dutch company #FairPhone. They are hard to beat when it comes to making a more ethical #sustainable purchase when buying new, but cost more and I'm not sure if you can order from the US. (I had to get someone to ship to Canada for me.)
@sturmsucht @abulling @jacobscharmberg Hi! Vielen Dank für Eure Antworten! Vielleicht habt ihr ja auch zu folgendem eine Meinung/Idee?! Ich habe die Möglichkeit ein gebrauchtes #fairphone 5 mit /e/ OS Murena "günstig" zu kaufen (zur Zeit Pixel 6). Zu dem OS habe ich gemischte Kritiken gelesen. Gäbe es da die Möglichkeit auf Graphene OS umzusteigen? Wäre das sinnvoll? Oder einfach nur Geldverschwendung (da Pixel noch gut läuft). Vielen Dank!
I didn't buy that Token2 model because of its NFC capability and USB-C connector, but because it's the cheapest #FIDO2 token supporting Ed25519-SK. I did try out using it with my #Fairphone 3 running /e/OS with #MicroG, and it worked fine.
The silicon case I ordered along with the #Token2 key is unfortunately a bit too thick and thereby prevents the key's USB-C connector from being inserted properly into the FP3 if it's wearing its rubber case as well, which makes NFC a bit tricky too.
@andy Do not expect a top-of-the-line smartphone comparing costs 1 to 1 with a Samsung or an iPhone. It isn't up to that standard.
Making things repairable (or in other words, not making everything integrated) comes with a downside in bulk/volume and performance.
I think it comes down to what's important for you.
Performance/price/good camera? Don't take a FP (I don't know about the camera in the 4/5 though.)
Repairability, long time support, freedom to own your phone? Buy a #fairphone
Shout out. Anyone use or have used a Fairphone and if so, what are your thoughts? Pros and cons, beyond the obvious self-repair and long-term support? Boosts okay.
#Fairphone #MobilePhone #Advice #Phone
edit: thanks for the feedback, all. Now currently discussing options with my wife.
Out with the old battery, in with the new. Didn't even require a screwdriver. Love my Fairphone. I see no issue in using it for another 3 years.
#RightToRepair #repair #Fairphone
Dear social.fairphone.community.
The @FediverseFoundation who host this instance now also host https://instapix.org, where you can post pictures taken by your Fairphone.
Den Kopfhörer-Klinkenanschluss habe ich bei meinem Fairphone 5 auch schmerzlichst vermisst. Nachdem ich mir den USBC-Klinkenadapter (2te Generation) gekauft habe, der auch mit Headset funktioniert, (und der wie auch das Ladekabel sehr robust/belastbar/langlebig wirkt) bin ich deutlich glücklicher. https://shop.fairphone.com/de/shop/usb-c-to-mini-audio-jack-adapter-3-5mm-1603
@rafa_font Thanks for sharing! Looking forward reading this later on this weekend.
Especially curious to read more about #Fairphone
@sunsetdriver Depends on the budget.
If you can, get a #Fairphone with e/OS, which is #degoogled #Android!
Hmm #fairphone5 met /e/OS is 50 euro duurder dan met android. Omgekeerd zou beter zijn in het kader van Privacy First!
In dubio of ik een Murena CMF of een Fairphone 4 of 5 zal kopen. Mijn Samsung is bijna 6 jaar oud en begint te haperen.