I got my first chainsaw and spent awhile cutting firewood today. This is a whole lot easier (and more fun) than the old way with an axe.
Just a little more to do tomorrow.
I got my first chainsaw and spent awhile cutting firewood today. This is a whole lot easier (and more fun) than the old way with an axe.
Just a little more to do tomorrow.
Easy method for stacking #firewood with minimal materials, up off the ground and plenty of airflow. I’ve got a while yet before they’re full but getting there.
Some stuff from China arrived. Replacement decompression valve for Jonsered. And also the bolt that can just replace it.
And new o-rings for the fuel cap, so it can stop leaking my precious fuel everywhere. Too expensive to spill!
And a shiny new full chisel chain
Got a nice big table outside the garage now so I can do some work in the sun*.
#Chainsaw #Maintenance #Repair #Jonsered #Homestead #Logging #Firewood
* When available
Cone splitter on wheeled table with 4 HP three-phase motor.
Shame we don't have three-phase power. I doubt a VFD would work very well for driving this.
Took advantage of a second day of nice weather to go snag some free firewood!
These are all sections of trunk that were attached to root balls. The trees were mostly felled by high winds, and my partner already broke up the bulk of each tree (slash to the forestry yard, trunks broken up into nice even sections, dried for a bit, then split). But we still got almost another 1000lbs of wood today. And we're doing a bit to help prevent fires in the area too!
Thanks to Trade Frames Direct of Bishop Auckland who always have a lot of waste wood that they don't want to put into a skip. It's about 50/50 hardwood and softwood.
Most of these windows were still glazed so I had a smashing time yesterday.
Picked up the rest of the two fallen birches from the bottom of the road. The parts not frozen to the ground anyways.
Lots more fallen and hanging trees to clean up.
The pile grows!
Been looking at a PTO shredder for the tractor to process the piles of branches I've been leaving everywhere. Good stuff when mulched. Less so when piled up in the forest. Burning is dumb.
There's a nice one from Poland:
Need a sponsor
I decided to make a longer #video ca 10 mins (editing is..fun..lol) Cutting #firewood in the #bush on a couple of recent #cold days
I make noise with tarps, crunch around on snow, use a chainsaw + wood splitting maul (big heavy axe- don't call it an axe..lol). Lots of ASMR some plain old noise + jibber jabber as I talk + pretty #forest views of frost crystals falling
Spectra to follow
#Alberta #Canada #CountryLiving #BorealForest #Getoutside #frostodon #PolarVortex
Picked up those two fallen birches from the bottom of the road (see previous photo).
No problems getting up the hill despite all the snow this time.
The small trailer is filled up pretty quick, this is just from two skinny birches and I didn't even get even get everything as there's another tree across that I need to pull off.
But I think trying the big trailer might be tempting fate.
LOL, going through old pictures, just found this. Me chopping firewood at the village. Undated, I think 2018?
@vaviurka's dad put the new boyfriend to the test by giving him an axe and seeing if he can do something useful or just a trip to the hospital
Well, no hospital, just a pile of firewood. This is how you get a Lithuanian wife, I guess
At last, some split firewood. Well, it's a start. Still much firewood debt to repay!
Finished this last night, hence the fresh snow on it.
My new splitting/sawing station is great :)
Need to fetch more logs next.
Paying the heating bill.
Set up a nice firewood station now. The three-limbed stump makes a good log sawing stand.
Also rolled the old chopping block over there, shortened it a bit (it was too tall even for a tall person) and split the logs I collected from clearing the road.
The apple logs were in full sap (result of overly warm January) and frozen hard - the axe just bounced off. They'll have to thaw first.
Could use a slightly heavier axe.
Parks Canada axes free backcountry firewood at Kejimkujik
Backcountry campers at Kejimkujik National Park and Historic Site will have to purchase and transport wood if they want to enjoy a campfire this summer.
#camping #parks #firewood #Kejimkujik #News #Canada
Finished processing that apple tree. Some nice fruit wood for making shashlikh, another length of log for sawmilling and another stupid pile of branches to be turned into useful mulch later.
Some knotty parts were hard to split and tried to steal my axe, so I cut the burr off this old (but very useful) steel wedge and rescued my axe with it.
Grinder ran out of battery, so no smooth finish.
After the test run, first mission: pick up windfall from the road down to the river.
This is why I serviced the already overhauled tractor first - I really wanted to be sure the brakes work. Had to stop on that hill repeatedly to pick up piles of logs.
Great success, not only did everything fit in the trailer, the Iseki pulled it back up the steep and snowy path with ease.
A lot easier than by wheelbarrow!
Bonus: A nice sunset.
‘[This] not only transforms daily life but also builds resilience’ https://www.diningandcooking.com/1855275/this-not-only-transforms-daily-life-but-also-builds-resilience/ #AirQuality #Cooking #CoventryUniversity #firewood #SolarCooking #SolarPowered