One bed completed without a compost delivery. Just went a little more lasagna on the top of the bed.
Currant and peas planted with transplants waiting in the wings to finish hardening off. First bed at our actual home. Feels pretty amazing.
It's been fun to weave years of health into something. The lower half of the bed is mostly hugelkultur, with upper layers of compost and homemade biochar, then lasagna of bedding straw and compost/soil mixture.
It's a 30" deep bed, so a lot to fill.
Latest photo of #HopeGarden, a #wildlife #ForestGarden. Needs some plants!
Not a pic, but I just ordered a big mix of native and bee friendly seeds for the garden and some liatris bulbs which the bees go absolutely wild for. Can't wait to have some beds.
Purple alyssum is still by far my favourite ground cover because it's so effortless and well behaved and will still give some space for the native seeds to come up, cuz a few of them can take a couple of years to establish. Excited to try to establish some yellow monkey flower and farewell to spring as well.
Self-regulate your garden! Monitor & adjust to solve problems. Spot aphids? Introduce ladybugs instead of harsh chemicals! Like life, gardening thrives on feedback & adjustments. #selfregulation #organic
#growyourown #backyardgarden #vegetablegarden #gardening #gardenlife #nature #gardendesign
Self-regulate your garden! Monitor & adjust to solve problems. Spot aphids? Introduce ladybugs instead of harsh chemicals! Like life, gardening thrives on feedback & adjustments. #selfregulation #organic #growyourown #backyardgarden #vegetablegarden #gardening #gardenlife #nature #gardendesign
The pretty little #ZenGarden with ponds, before the snow blizzard hit.
A few garden design thoughts:
-Masses of plants look more orderly than multiple one-off plants
-Tall, floppy plants can look weedy, so consider Chelsea chopping them in June, this will make them shorter and bushier
-Avoid Common milkweed and Canada goldenrod for small gardens, they can be aggressive.
Photos from summer 2024
-Coreopsis, spotted bee balm, purple coneflower, pearly everlasting
-Wild bergamot
-Black eyed Susan, blanketflower
-Purple coneflower
Huw Richards: This is the future of measuring #gardendesign
Harness the rhythm of nature with VegPlotter's unique month-by-month approach to garden planning.
From sowing seeds to putting up cloches, plan every aspect of your vegetable garden in advance.
#gardening #vegplotter #planahead #growyourown #veggies #gardendesign #gardener #gardeninspiration
Jake Rayson
#QCAD is amazing piece of software - you can print out from a block and adjust the printing options *just for that block*.
This is the canvas covered area I'm helping design for the #HopeGarden
#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #GardenDesign #gardening
13 Jan 2025
#QCAD is amazing piece of software - you can print out from a block and adjust the printing options *just for that block*.
This is the canvas covered area I'm helping design for the #HopeGarden
#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #GardenDesign #gardening
edit: add hashtags
I am designing garden paths and all is right in the world.
Scrub that. All is right in this world.
Part of my grand garden experiment that I very much hope works out: I've transplanted three different types of moss all around my garden, most of it in shaded places under maples and tall shrubs where nothing else does well.
In this photo, a deer fern (blechnum spicant) with Japanese forest grass in the background. Haircap moss in the foreground, and... I think the yellowy one is sheet moss.
Most places that I put the moss, there was already a bit of volunteer moss growing, so I'm hopeful that the new stuff takes.
Fantastic willow sculptures at runnymede.
#gardening #garden #flowers #plants #nature #gardenlife #flower #gardendesign #growyourown #gardener #plantsofinstagram #naturephotography #gardeninspiration #growyourownfood #gardens #photography #green #plant #organic #mygarden #flowerstagram #flowersofinstagram #homegrown #gardenlove #plantsmakepeoplehappy #love #landscaping #landscape #organicgardening #gardensofinstagram
Absolutely stunning autumn colour from these acers @windsorgreatpark.