Happy anniversary to Nicolas Roeg’s film, “The Man Who Fell To Earth”. Released this week in 1976. #themanwhofelltoearth #davidbowie #bowie #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy anniversary to Nicolas Roeg’s film, “The Man Who Fell To Earth”. Released this week in 1976. #themanwhofelltoearth #davidbowie #bowie #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s single, “Jump They Say”. Released this week in 1993. #davidbowie #bowie #jumptheysay #BowieJumpTheySay #blacktiewhitenoise #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s single, “Let’s Dance”. Released this week in 1983. #davidbowie #bowie #letsdance #putonyourredshoesanddancetheblues #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever #nilerodgers
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s album, ‘The Next Day’. Released this week in 2013. #davidbowie #bowie #thenextday #wherearewenow #thestarsareouttonight #valentinesday #loveislost #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy 50th anniversary to David Bowie’s album, ‘Young Americans’. Released this week in 1975. #bowie #davidbowie #youngamericans #fame #right #fascination #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy 55th anniversary to David Bowie’s single, “The Prettiest Star/Conversation Piece” and album, ‘The World Of David Bowie’. Released this week in 1970. #bowie #davidbowie #theprettieststar #conversationpiece #theworldofdavidbowie #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
“The band was all together...” 9 years today since the Brit Awards 2016 ceremony in London. #BowieBrits #BowieLorde #BowieBand #Bowie #DavidBowie #BowieForever #BowieUsMyLordAndSavior #ImJustASpaceCadetAndHesTheCommander ️
Happy 50th anniversary to David Bowie’s single, “Young Americans”. Released this week in 1975. #bowie #davidbowie #youngamericans #suffragettecity #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s single, “Alabama Song”. Released this week in 1979. #bowie #davidbowie #alabamasong #spaceoddity #lodger #scarymonsters #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s single, “Rebel Rebel”. Released this week in 1974. #bowie #davidbowie #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever #rebelrebel #diamonddogs ️
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s single, “Sound and Vision”. Released this week in 1977. #bowie #davidbowie #soundandvision #low #anewcareerinanewtown #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s album, ‘EART HL I NG’. Released this week in 1997. #bowie #davidbowie #earthling #tellinglies #littlewonder #deadmanwalking #sevenyearsintibet #imafraidofamericans #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy 40th anniversary to David Bowie & Pat Methany’s single, “This Is Not America”. Released this week in 1985. #bowie #davidbowie #patmethany #thisisnotamerica #thefalconandthesnowman #icon #legend #bowieismylordandsavior #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s album, ‘Station To Station’. Released this week in 1976. #bowie #davidbowie #icon #legend #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever #stationtostation #themanwhofelltoearth #thinwhiteduke #goldenyears #TVC15 #stay #wildisthewind
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s album, ‘Low’. Released this week in 1977. #bowie #davidbowie #icon #legend #bowieismylordandsavior #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever #low #soundandvision #bemywife #breakingglass #brianeno #tonyvisconti
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s single, “Beauty And The Beast”. Released this week in 1978. #bowie #davidbowie #beautyandthebeast #heroes #senseofdoubt #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy anniversary to Lulu’s cover of David Bowie’s “The Man Who Sold The World”. Released this week in 1974. #Lulu #themanwhosoldtheworld #watchthatman #BowieForever #Bowie #DavidBowie #bowieismylordandsavior #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #churchofbowie
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s ★ album. Released this week in 2016. #Blackstar #imablackstar #BlackstarAlbum #BowieBirthday #bowieismylordandsavior #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever #bowiemas #WorldDavidBowieDay
Celebrating the icon of my life, David Bowie, on the day of his birth. He was quite possibly the only constant throughout my life. I’m still trying desperately to survive in a world without him. But, I am very grateful that I was lucky enough to live in a time when he was around creating/being the magnificent chameleon in everything he did. #bowie #davidbowie #icon #bowieismylordandsavior #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever #bowiemas #WorldDavidBowieDay