Happy anniversary to Nicolas Roeg’s film, “The Man Who Fell To Earth”. Released this week in 1976. #themanwhofelltoearth #davidbowie #bowie #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy anniversary to Nicolas Roeg’s film, “The Man Who Fell To Earth”. Released this week in 1976. #themanwhofelltoearth #davidbowie #bowie #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s single, “Jump They Say”. Released this week in 1993. #davidbowie #bowie #jumptheysay #BowieJumpTheySay #blacktiewhitenoise #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s single, “Let’s Dance”. Released this week in 1983. #davidbowie #bowie #letsdance #putonyourredshoesanddancetheblues #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever #nilerodgers
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s album, ‘The Next Day’. Released this week in 2013. #davidbowie #bowie #thenextday #wherearewenow #thestarsareouttonight #valentinesday #loveislost #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy 50th anniversary to David Bowie’s album, ‘Young Americans’. Released this week in 1975. #bowie #davidbowie #youngamericans #fame #right #fascination #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy 55th anniversary to David Bowie’s single, “The Prettiest Star/Conversation Piece” and album, ‘The World Of David Bowie’. Released this week in 1970. #bowie #davidbowie #theprettieststar #conversationpiece #theworldofdavidbowie #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Historia de la música electrónica popular: 1977: El legado y versiones del tema "Heroes" https://historiadelamusicaelectronicapopular.blogspot.com/2025/03/1977-el-legado-y-versiones-del-tema.html #BowieForever #Bowie #DavidBowie "Heroes" #coversong Qué versión prefieres? / Which cover do you prefer?
Historia de la música electrónica popular: 1977: La canción "Heroes" de Bowie en directo https://historiadelamusicaelectronicapopular.blogspot.com/2025/02/1977-la-cancion-heroes-de-bowie-en.html #Bowieforever #DavidBowie #Live "Heroes"
“The band was all together...” 9 years today since the Brit Awards 2016 ceremony in London. #BowieBrits #BowieLorde #BowieBand #Bowie #DavidBowie #BowieForever #BowieUsMyLordAndSavior #ImJustASpaceCadetAndHesTheCommander ️
Happy 50th anniversary to David Bowie’s single, “Young Americans”. Released this week in 1975. #bowie #davidbowie #youngamericans #suffragettecity #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Historia de la música electrónica popular: 1977: Lanzamientos de la canción "Heroes" https://historiadelamusicaelectronicapopular.blogspot.com/2025/02/1977-lanzamientos-de-la-cancion-heroes.html #Bowie #BowieForever #DavidBowie #BrianEno #RobertFripp "Heroes" (single) - 1977
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s single, “Alabama Song”. Released this week in 1979. #bowie #davidbowie #alabamasong #spaceoddity #lodger #scarymonsters #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s single, “Rebel Rebel”. Released this week in 1974. #bowie #davidbowie #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever #rebelrebel #diamonddogs ️
Historia de la música electrónica popular: 1977: La producción de la canción "Heroes" https://historiadelamusicaelectronicapopular.blogspot.com/2025/02/1977-la-produccion-de-la-cancion-heroes.html #DavidBowie #Bowieforever #Bowie
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s single, “Sound and Vision”. Released this week in 1977. #bowie #davidbowie #soundandvision #low #anewcareerinanewtown #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Historia de la música electrónica popular: 1977: La música y letras del álbum "Heroes" https://historiadelamusicaelectronicapopular.blogspot.com/2025/02/1977-la-musica-y-las-letras-del-album.html #BowieForever #Bowie #DavidBowie #RobertFripp #BrianEno #music #lyrics "Heroes" - 1977
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s album, ‘EART HL I NG’. Released this week in 1997. #bowie #davidbowie #earthling #tellinglies #littlewonder #deadmanwalking #sevenyearsintibet #imafraidofamericans #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
A Sense of Doubt blog post #3634 - Love in a Doorway: HUGE Bowie Fan - BOWIE MONTH. https://sensedoubt.blogspot.com/2025/01/a-sense-of-doubt-blog-post-3634-love-in.html #DavidBowie #BowieForever #BowieMonth @loveinadoorway
Happy 40th anniversary to David Bowie & Pat Methany’s single, “This Is Not America”. Released this week in 1985. #bowie #davidbowie #patmethany #thisisnotamerica #thefalconandthesnowman #icon #legend #bowieismylordandsavior #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s album, ‘Station To Station’. Released this week in 1976. #bowie #davidbowie #icon #legend #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever #stationtostation #themanwhofelltoearth #thinwhiteduke #goldenyears #TVC15 #stay #wildisthewind