Night of the Living Dead Boys album to document one-off CBGBs gig with John Belushi and Jerry Nolan
#OnThisDay in 1982, #JohnBelushi, American #comedian (SNL, 1975-80), #actor (Animal House), and #singer (The Blues Brothers), died of a #drugoverdose at 33.
> J. T. Walsh was originally cast as Grimmer, completing two days of filming, before Dan Aykroyd learned he had been in the cast of the John Belushi biopic Wired. He reportedly had Walsh fired over his participation in the other film, which Aykroyd had opposed.
Since the film in question was Loose Cannons you could argue J. T. Walsh dodged a bullet.
Bill Murray Defends John Belushi After Bob Woodward’s “Completely Inaccurate” Biography
#News #BillMurray #BobWoodward #JohnBelushi #SaturdayNightLive
Bill Murray Slams John Belushi Biography as ‘Criminal’ and ‘Cruel’; Calls Out Author Bob Woodward: ‘If He Did This to Belushi, What He Did to Nixon Is Probably Soiled For Me’
#Variety #News #BillMurray #JoeRogan #JohnBelushi
The Real Story Behind Punk Rock Band Fear’s Anarchic Turn On ‘SNL’
#LateNightTV #News #Fear #JohnBelushi #LadiesGentlemen50YearsOfSNLMusic #NBC #SaturdayNightLive #SNL
#OnThisDay in 1949, #JohnBelushi, American #comedian (SNL, 1975-80), #actor (Animal House), and #singer (The Blues Brothers), born in Chicago, Illinois (d. 1982).
-in - Sam and Dave: Soul Man
Sam & Dave: Hold On, I'm Coming
Sam Moore [Sam & Dave] dies 2025-Jan-10 at 89
Blues Brothers - Soul Man
Blues Brothers: Soul Man - SNL
* Season 4, 1978
#MorningPeaceIn #BluesBrothers #JohnBelushi #DanAykroyd #BluesBrothersBand #Sam_and_Dave
@faduda __the Movie__: Animal House!
How John Belushi, Hunter S. Thompson, More Chronicled Jimmy Carter’s Rise and Legacy
June 28: Car Crash
#Bales2023FilmChallenge #FilmMastodon
#TheBluesBrothers (1980)
Jake and Elwood are chased by the Chicago Police Department across the city with multiple crashes along the way.
#JohnBelushi #DanAykroyd
Ten books to get to know me...
1. The Lord of the Rings #Tolkien
2. The Horror Stories of Robert E. Howard #horror
3. Dune #Dune
4. Foucault's Pendulum #UmbertoEco
5. The Power of Myth #josephcampbell
6. The Prydain Chronicles #BlackCauldron
7. Catcher in the Rye #holdencaufield
8. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay #michaelchabon
9. The Long Goodbye #Chandler
10. The Illuminatus Trilogy #RobertAntonWilson
Ten Comics to get to know me #comics
1. Bone #jeffsmith
2. Understanding Comics #scottmccloud
3. Sandman #sandman
4. Doctor Strange in Strange Tales #steveditko
5. Fax From Sarajevo #JoeKubert
6. The Spirit Archives #willeisner
7. The Avengers #GeorgePerez
8. Conan the Barbarian #robertehoward
9. The Incal #moebius #jodorowsky
10. Lone Sloane #druillet
Ten movies to get to know me
1. Casablanca #bogart
2. Star Wars #starwars
3. Raiders of the Lost Ark #indianajones
4. Maltese Falcon #hammett
5. Dead Poet's Society #RobinWilliams
6. The Empire Strikes Back
7. Clash of the Titans #harryhausen
8. Fire and Ice #frankfrazetta #ralphbakshi
9. The Lord of the Rings #peterjackson
10. The Blues Brothers #johnbelushi
Ten albums to get to know me
1. Kind of Blue #milesdavis
2. Mothership Connection #parliamentfunkadelic
3. Gary Clark Jr. Live #garyclarkjr
4. Red #kingcrimson
5. Wish You Were Here #pinkfloyd
6. Close to the Edge #yes
7. Monk's Dream #theloniousmonk
8. Fantasia Soundtrack #fantasia
9. Dave Matthews Band Live in Chicago 1998 #dmb
10. Vivid #livingcolour
Ten games to get to know me
1. Dungeons & Dragons #dnd
2. cribbage #cribbage
3. Call of Cthulhu #chaosium
4. Risk #parkerbrothers
5. Trivial Pursuit
6. Apples to Apples
7. Stratego #stratego
8. Gin #rummy
9. Yahtzee
10. Dark Tower #Darktower #miltonbradley
Ten TV series to get to know me
1. Star Trek #startrek
2. The X-Files #thetruthisoutthere
3. Batman: The Animated Series #brucetimm #kevinconroy
4. M*A*S*H
5. X-Men '92 #X-Men
6. Andor #Andor
7. The Muppet Show #muppets
8. Scooby Doo Where Are You? #scooby
9. Doctor Who #whovians
10. Jonny Quest #jonnyquest
You may not know me better now, but you may have a sense of my tastes. Say hello if you share any...
One more drawing post before I hit the sack. Thanks for the love, everyone!
#thebluesbrothers #danaykroyd #johnbelushi #80s #musical #blues #music #art #lineart #sketch #doodle #art #drawing