Ten books to get to know me...
1. The Lord of the Rings #Tolkien
2. The Horror Stories of Robert E. Howard #horror
3. Dune #Dune
4. Foucault's Pendulum #UmbertoEco
5. The Power of Myth #josephcampbell
6. The Prydain Chronicles #BlackCauldron
7. Catcher in the Rye #holdencaufield
8. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay #michaelchabon
9. The Long Goodbye #Chandler
10. The Illuminatus Trilogy #RobertAntonWilson
Ten Comics to get to know me #comics
1. Bone #jeffsmith
2. Understanding Comics #scottmccloud
3. Sandman #sandman
4. Doctor Strange in Strange Tales #steveditko
5. Fax From Sarajevo #JoeKubert
6. The Spirit Archives #willeisner
7. The Avengers #GeorgePerez
8. Conan the Barbarian #robertehoward
9. The Incal #moebius #jodorowsky
10. Lone Sloane #druillet
Ten movies to get to know me
1. Casablanca #bogart
2. Star Wars #starwars
3. Raiders of the Lost Ark #indianajones
4. Maltese Falcon #hammett
5. Dead Poet's Society #RobinWilliams
6. The Empire Strikes Back
7. Clash of the Titans #harryhausen
8. Fire and Ice #frankfrazetta #ralphbakshi
9. The Lord of the Rings #peterjackson
10. The Blues Brothers #johnbelushi
Ten albums to get to know me
1. Kind of Blue #milesdavis
2. Mothership Connection #parliamentfunkadelic
3. Gary Clark Jr. Live #garyclarkjr
4. Red #kingcrimson
5. Wish You Were Here #pinkfloyd
6. Close to the Edge #yes
7. Monk's Dream #theloniousmonk
8. Fantasia Soundtrack #fantasia
9. Dave Matthews Band Live in Chicago 1998 #dmb
10. Vivid #livingcolour
Ten games to get to know me
1. Dungeons & Dragons #dnd
2. cribbage #cribbage
3. Call of Cthulhu #chaosium
4. Risk #parkerbrothers
5. Trivial Pursuit
6. Apples to Apples
7. Stratego #stratego
8. Gin #rummy
9. Yahtzee
10. Dark Tower #Darktower #miltonbradley
Ten TV series to get to know me
1. Star Trek #startrek
2. The X-Files #thetruthisoutthere
3. Batman: The Animated Series #brucetimm #kevinconroy
4. M*A*S*H
5. X-Men '92 #X-Men
6. Andor #Andor
7. The Muppet Show #muppets
8. Scooby Doo Where Are You? #scooby
9. Doctor Who #whovians
10. Jonny Quest #jonnyquest
You may not know me better now, but you may have a sense of my tastes. Say hello if you share any...