Продолжим тему весёлых настроек.
В моде Distant Horizons для #Minecraft есть настройка, управляющая степенью загрузки процессора этим модом, и будучи выкрученной в максимум она гласит "I paid for the whole CPU" ("Я заплатил за весь процессор").
Продолжим тему весёлых настроек.
В моде Distant Horizons для #Minecraft есть настройка, управляющая степенью загрузки процессора этим модом, и будучи выкрученной в максимум она гласит "I paid for the whole CPU" ("Я заплатил за весь процессор").
The Nedic vampires in Coldharbor as shown in ESO have a pale, veiny skin. Skyrim needs a mod to apply similar effects only to the "vampire lord" vampires. #mentalscraps #mods #skyrim #tes
RTS let's play live steam #SpellForce3 #VideoGames #RTS #Gaming #Games #LetsPlay #LiveStreaming #NakamuraRTS #Mods
SpellForce 3: Modded Multiplayer Games & Casts - Live Stream
#achievement of the week
the undertaker in my colony is named Sarai H. Coffin I love NPC with some theme names for their jobs
#minecraft #mods #minecolonies #gaming
@gaming@a.gup.pe @minecraft@a.gup.pe
Learning Lemmy and the posts are both there and not there?
Seriously, #P0rtal is a masterpiece...
Hey ho #fediverse!
We have recently started a new #modded #minecraft server on the 1.21.1 with #minecolonies
We've been having lots of fun and decided to post a small announcement here for other MC gamers
We've modified the terrain gen heavily, but kept the core mechanics as close to vanilla as possible and we're playing on HARD (and Pillager patrols are turned off)
If you want to read a little bit about Minecolonies, click here to go to their website
I also attached some nice screenshots from the server (I didn't know MC could be this pretty :3). If you don't want to play yourself, boost for reach!
If you wanna join us, send me a private message with your Minecraft username and a short introduction Your citizens await you! The server is whitelisted!
@gaming@a.gup.pe @minecraft@a.gup.pe @minecolonies@a.gup.pe
#gaming #mods #funtimes #joinus
How Spotify’s Premium Piracy Panic Played Out & What Pirates Did Next
one of the followers i included in my load order is Morgaine, who i encountered for the first time last night. the character herself is well done, but the dialogue options you are presented with when first meeting her are rather unimpressive. #Skyrim #VideoGames #Xbox #Mods #Gaming #Games
Morgaine - Fully Voiced Standalone Follower
since i'm going to have to restart my modded Skyrim run, i think i'll use this fantastic load order by YouTuber The Dragonlord. #Skyrim #VideoGames #Xbox #Mods #Gaming #Games
Skyrim Mods for an Immersive RPG Experience in 2025 | Xbox Compatible
looks like my modded Skyrim run is at an end. i was playing the SE edition on Game Pass but then bought the AE edition when it went on sale. the next time i launched the game it automatically downloaded all the AE content. now the game crashes when i try to continue my playthrough. c'est la vie. #Skyrim #VideoGames #Xbox #Mods #Gaming #Games #Fantasy
Ukraine And Netherlands Mods Discuss“Drone Line” Project Development https://www.byteseu.com/814613/ #Biden #development #Discuss“Drone #line #Mods #Netherlands #project #Russia #Ukraine #UsPresident #USA #War
https://www.wacoca.com/games/1093528/ New FREE Patch Update Overview for The Sims 4! #“ts2” #and #Arts #businesses #cc #discussion #EA #electronic #ep #Expansion #ExpansionPack #Game #hobbies #Info #kit #KitPack #kits #life #Life&Death #MOD #mods #news #Pack #packs #paralives #pixelade #PS4GAMES #Sims #Sims4 #Simulation #speculation #stuff #the #TheSims #TheSims1 #TheSims2 #TheSims3 #TheSims4 #Thoughts #ts3 #TS4 #yt:quality=high #ドラゴンクエストV天空の花嫁
Sawing Logs | Base Building Day | Project Zomboid
Last week we suffered an indignant death, but today we take our base and start building defenses! Let's avoid bites and survive Kentucky!
Starting Now!
Rally Point: Mega-mod Terror From The Void finally pushed me into loving Phoenix Point - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/rally-point-mega-mod-terror-from-the-void-finally-pushed-me-into-loving-phoenix-point #Birdview/Isometric #TheRallyPoint #SnapshotGames #SinglePlayer #PhoenixPoint #Simulation #Strategy #XboxOne #Mods #RPG #PC
Red Alert source code has been released by ea. Noice.
haven't even played Elden Ring but i want to try this load order. #Skyrim #EldenRing #VideoGames #Xbox #Mods #Gaming #Games #Fantasy
Skyrim Xbox Elden Ring-Style Load Order 2025 | Souls-like Skyrim Mod List