#In #Focus #Justice #Constitution #Donald #Trump #Federal #Spending #Richard #Nixon #Russell
Event Attributes
#Trump is not the first president to try to deport someone for their political views.
Now you’ve got *two* desperado fraudsters hiding out in the Oval Office behind “prez immunity,” a definitely real thing #Nixon’s lawyers didn’t make up.
I paid attention, and complained about #Biden's #virtueSignaling in choosing #Garland ever since. You obviously didn't read reports of how Biden knee-capped Garland, despite link above
#US made a mistake letting #Nixon go. Biden repeated by saying he preferred #unity over #investigation.
Don't even get me started on how they did a #prettyPlease in the #classifiedDocuments case, and once they had an airtight case, went to #Florida instead of #DC, where the crime was committed
Le réseau nazi aux #USA ne date pas d'hier mais cette photo de #Nixon aux côtés de l'ex Roi nazi d'angleterre Edouard VII en constitue une belle illustration
Today in Labor History March 18, 1970: The first mass work stoppage in the 195-year history of the U.S. Postal Service began on this date in New York City. The walkout was illegal, giving President Richard Nixon the excuse to send in federal troops to sort the mail. But the strike succeeded in forcing Congress to raise wages and reorganize the postal system and marked a new militancy among postal employees.
After that #MAGA Rally Speech at the #DOJ
It is 100% clear that #DonTheCON AKA #ConvictedFelon47 Has His New Modern day #RoyCohn that He wanted since #Nixon Exploited the System.
#itsNOSECRET that #DonOLDCHUMP would Love to Be As #Blonde as Pam Bondi-Cohn.
Targeting Anyone the #OrangeFelon #DonOLD Commands Her to
#Project2025 #UsPolitics
Und weil es so spannend ist, schaue ich mir nun nach der Doku den Film “Die Unbestechlichen" an.
Ich habe zwar schon viel und oft vom #Watergate-#Skandal gehört, aber zu meinem Beschämen nie wirklich gewusst, worum es da eigentlich ging. Nun... allen, den es genauso geht wie mir, hier ist eine spannende und ausführliche Doku über dieses interessante Thema. Und nebenbei, es ist so aktuell wie eh und je!
The Day Hobie Made Nixon a Surfboard
@Tanzbaer Stimmt! Leider.
(Nicht nur) ich bin neugierig, wie unsere amerikanischen Freunde
darauf reagieren.
#Nixon wurde von zwei guten, mutigen #Journalisten "erlegt";
Der @NYTimes trauen #wir in diesem #Plegefall einiges zu, unsere Kontakte in d. #USA laufen sich gerade erst warm.
Dort ist #alles etwa größer wie bei #uns, vieles funktioniert auch ganz #anders als bei uns.
Lieben Gruß.
To resurrect his political career, Yanukovych turned to an American political consultant, #PaulManafort, who had worked for both #Nixon and #Reagan and who was already working for Russian billionaire #OlegDeripaska. With Manafort’s help, Yanukovych won the presidency in 2010 and began to turn Ukraine toward #Russia. In 2014, after months of popular protests, Ukrainians ousted #Yanukovych from power and he fled to #Russia.
Another last gasp…
Katherine Graham, the brave owner of The Washington Post during the #Nixon vengeance spree, is the subject of a new feature documentary, "Becoming Katharine Graham", which just premiered at the Kennedy Center!
Meanwhile we have a White House tyrant who makes Nixon look like a saint and now controls the KC, a #WaPo billionaire owner who obeyed in advance to the tyrant and owns the company that produced the film.
Now that you are grieving about #JeffBezos & the #WashingtonPost:
How about taking the opportunity to start a #reader-owned #newspaper #cooperative or an #audience-owned #media cooperative!?
Plenty of examples exist; several of them in #Germany alone.
I'd very much be interested to partake.
#WaPo #Bezos #AllThePresidentsMen #JonathanCapeheart #BobWoodward #CarlBernstein #Watergate #Nixon #Trump #MAGA #HowFascismWorks #Amazon #ElonMusk #MarkZuckerberg #Musk #Zuckerberg #Distributism #Coop
"The Republican party of #Trump is not like the Republican party of #Nixon: if there is a limit to the illegality they are willing to put up with from Trump, we have not yet seen it."
#Nixon did some shady shit, but he was spot on with his support of #UBI.
There was a #commercial from some initiative in the #UK where they gave a, I think, £10 note to a rich person (who put it in his pocket) and to a normal person (who spent it). The commercial follows the note that is spent, and at the end, goes back to the rich guy, who still has the note in his pocket.
If anyone recognizes this, and can provide a #link, my #followers and I would be grateful.