2. “That is all over now, and there is no more uncertainty. We know what we have to face, and we know that we are ready to face it.”
Eleanor Roosevelt, Radio Broadcast, December 7, 1941
Excerpt From
Awakening the Spirit of America
Paul M. Sparrow
2. “That is all over now, and there is no more uncertainty. We know what we have to face, and we know that we are ready to face it.”
Eleanor Roosevelt, Radio Broadcast, December 7, 1941
Excerpt From
Awakening the Spirit of America
Paul M. Sparrow
This last week, maybe the worse in recent international politics, reminds me of Erik Larson's book, ‘The Splendid and the Vile’, a deep dive into Churchill’s trouble getting the US to help the UK (took Pearl Harbor to get us involved )
Will it take WWIII to get the US back on track?
#churchill #zelensky #eriklarson #pearlharbor #ukraine #trump #isolation
@oaktree @EUCommission Except the #US entered the war after #PearlHarbor. The #EU is still on the raising a flag stage. Three years later.
“Today is a grotesque insult to everyone who gave all in service to this country. As I stood in this place I apologized to all of them for what we've done.” - Gary Simonson
Canada 2023, the forest fires grew to the largest forest fires in Canadian History, (listen) BEFORE the fire season had begun.
Before the fire season had begun.
In 2023 Canada burned, into the roots, 30/billion trees. Area burned, forests into ashfeilds, is larger than Ireland and Scotland combined.
160,000 square kilometres.continent wide
An ALARM a thousand times louder than Los Angeles fires, louder than Pearl Harbour.
#climate #climateAlarm @ALARM
#happybirthday @dan_aykroyd #danaykroyd #actor #writer #comedian #ghostbusters #afterlife #frozenempire #ZombieTown #DoctorDetroit #TradingPlaces #SpiesLikeUs #Dragnet #Coneheads #TheGreatOutdoors #TheBluesBrothers #DrivingMissDaisy #MyGirl #Evolution #PearlHarbor #ChristmaswiththeKranks #50FirstDates #Pixels
Some facts about the Dec 7th, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor: The Japanese force consisted of 40 torpedo planes, 103 level bombers, 131 dive-bombers, and 79 fighters, two heavy cruisers, 35 submarines,
two light cruisers, nine oilers, two battleships, and 11 destroyers. The result of the attack on the US naval base killed 2,403 U.S. personnel (including 68 civilians), destroyed 3 ships and 169 aircraft, while damaging 16 additional ships and 159 aircraft. The 3 aircraft carriers (Enterprise, Lexington, and Saratoga) stationed at Pearl Harbor were out on maneuvers and remained intact. The carriers were critical to Allied success during the battle of the Pacific over the coming years.
#pearlharbor #December7 #WW2 #WWII #USA #UnitedStates #Japan
In honor of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday in the U.S., I am featuring Doris "Dorie" Miller from Waco, TX.
Miller was serving on the battleship West Virginia in Pearl Harbor as a Navy Cook 3rd Class when the Japanese attacked in Dec 7 1941. When the attack began, Miller manned an anti-aircraft gun, despite having no training, and shot down several Japanese planes. He also helped numerous injured sailors to safety. Sadly, he later died in battle in 1943. He is the first black American to receive the Navy Cross, the second highest service decoration for valor in combat.
My father was on the USS Lexington which left #PearlHarbor the night before the attack. However, it was a secret mission so his family believed his ship had also been hit. (It was, in fact, later torpedoed in the Battle of the Coral Sea. My father and his fellow sailors bobbed around in shark-infested waters awaiting rescue. When I was a kid, my sisters and I couldn’t understand why he didn’t like swimming in the ocean. We called him “Chicken of the Sea”. Kids are assholes. ) #pearlharborday #WWII #history