I see BSDCan will be in June. Just one question: will that be in Canada or in the USofA?
@ifixcoinops reply removed (I just use my own SIM all over Europe) #sorry
Well, I just lost 199 followers and it was entirely my own fault. I accidentally blocked Mastodon Social a few minutes ago, something I would never do intentionally. If somehow you happened to notice that I just followed 407 accounts at once, that's why: I was refollowing them because I already was before this happened.
Due to all developments in this Fuckin' World ... for me it will be Europe First for now. #sorry
Oh, joy. Lee Zeldin the new EPA head:
"I've been told the Endangerment Finding is considered the Holy Grail of the Climate Change religion. For me, the US Constitution, and the laws of this nation will be strictly interpreted and followed. No exceptions".
To start with, how are the two sentences linked?
"I have been told that a wooden cup, that used to be in a gilded metal box along with the shin bone of St Benedict, found in a field in Berkshire, is the Holy Grail of the Christian religion. For me, the US Constitution, and the laws of this nation will be strictly interpreted and followed. No exceptions".
Also, the snivelly little arse-nugget knows full well that Climate Change is a real, scientific fact, that people can see, smell, touch and taste but for now he's rich, and he will be dead in 30 years, so he doesn't give a toss when he kills potentially millions of people.
This takes us back to the whole idea that political decision-makers in his position who are deliberately spreading and trading in lies they know will kill people, should be charged with 2nd-degree murder for their deliberate actions.
#EPA #Zeldin #Arsenugget
#Murder #ClimateChange #Lies #Misinformation #Propaganda #USPol #Politics #Sorry #Greta #Trump #HolyGrail #Weaponised #Religion #GPT #AI
@Jorsh Believe me, I am just as horrified by the leadership of my country as you are. Just as upset and aware of how incredibly outrageous it is for Donald Trump to be threatening the sovereignty of our neighbors and, up until his actions, our friends. I am taking every action in my power to protest, including calling my representatives but also being very active in local resistance. I live in Rochester, NY and cross the border frequently to see shows at the Shaw Festival, shop in the Niagara region and Toronto is the big city I go to when I need a big city experience. I am devastated by the horror show I see in my country. I did not vote for him and do not support ANYTHING he has done or said since taking office. #sorry #sorryandbusyprotesting #resist
You know... sometimes you forget that there are real people with sensitivities of their own at the other end of this post.
I will be more careful about what I boost and think more about the impact it might have on others before I do. Empathy isn’t a human weakness. It's one of our strengths.
There's so much craziness going on and people suffering all around the world with so few people pulling the strings. It is they who need a little empathy, too. It's not a dirty word.
All Joe Rogan's apologies | @destiny
#JoeRogan #JRE #AlternativeMedia #Sorry #Apologies
What else can one expect from that #apartheid #scumbag who went with a #beggingBowl to #kremlin? This #sorry #apologyForAHuman is #shameless.
#deportmusk #OpposeFascism #opposeOligarchy #TraitorGOP #TraitorMAGA #kellyIsAHero
It is a good time to reroute your international vacation & have your international student kiddo study somewhere besides the USA. #seriously
It is very unhealthy here in the US in every possible way, on top of which ordinary ppl are carelessly armed, & the federal, state, & local authorities have license to detain, kill, & generally run amok. Not saying they all do but they have license.
It is time to spend time & €£¥$ elsewhere & let USAers reliant on #tourism realize our disgrace. #Sorry
“Series” is a 'zero plural’, but isn’t a 'noncount noun’, or ‘mass noun’. Wait.
"English grammar is not determined by logic”, truer words…
1. Series: a group of books
2. Series: several groups of books
𝗛𝘂𝗹𝘂 𝘇𝗲𝗴𝘁 𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝘃𝗼𝗼𝗿 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝗶𝗷𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘀 𝗢𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺
Streamingdienst Hulu heeft excuses aangeboden voor het voortijdig stoppen van de Oscar-livestream zondagavond. Volgens een woordvoerder kwam dat door technische problemen, meldt de Daily Mail. "We bieden onze excuses aan voor deze ervaring en zullen zo snel mogelijk een volledige herhaling van het...
"Suck out the poison"