This BBC presenter resigned over Israeli narrative control...
Harnessing orbital Hall effect in spin-orbit torque MRAM — https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-55437-x
#HackerNews #Harnessing #orbital #Hall #effect #in #spin-orbit #torque #MRAM #technology #research #spintronics #HallEffect #MRAM
𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝘂𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝘇𝗶𝗲𝘁 𝗠𝗲𝗴𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗮𝗴 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘂𝗴𝗸𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗻-𝗼𝗳𝗳
Aaron Korsh, de maker van de serie Suits, ziet hertogin Meghan graag terugkeren in de spin-off van de serie. Meghan speelde in Suits de rol van Rachel Zane. De serie liep van 2011 tot 2019.
https://www.evshift.com/319647/take-a-spin-while-your-laundry-cycles/ Take a spin while your laundry cycles. #Cycles #ElectricCars #ElectricVehicles #EV #ford #FordMotor #laundry #spin
I am still having fun with #rust, @moonbitlang the #spin framework (https://developer.fermyon.com/spin/v3/index) and kubernetes. Deployed a WebAssembly application (admittedly a toy app) written in #Rust with the #Leptos framework, to K8s in an 8Mb container without any size tuning.
I believe the combination of WASM containers with k8s will have an interesting future. It is also rapidly developing and interesting to follow.
If the extra dimensions are hiding in the spin of the tiniest objects, and what we see is really spin '2', then maybe half of what's going on can only be seen if you're half-spun. Guess I'll catch you on the flip side.
Despite the lack of posts about it, I love to #knit, and I REALLY love to #spin (the yarn making kind) - sourcing Canadian wool has been a huge part of that love. Ever heard of Campaign for Wool Canada? I wrote to them and they sent me a bunch of information & booklets to help teach the benefits of using Canadian wool.
A spintronic view of the effect of chiral molecules: Researchers verified the chiral-induced spin selectivity effect, i.e., the influence of #ChiralMolecules on #spin, using #spintronic analytical techniques // #physics #spintronics #magnetism #chirality
A spintronic view of the effect of chiral molecules: Researchers at #MainzUniversity verified the chiral-induced spin selectivity effect, i.e., the influence of #ChiralMolecules on #spin, using #spintronic analytical techniques https://press.uni-mainz.de/a-spintronic-view-of-the-effect-of-chiral-molecules/ #physics #spintronics #magnetism #chirality
CNN report continues something along the lines of:
“Even Mayor Eric Adam thinks the sanctuary laws should be changed…”
And then appends at the very, very end that Trump’s “border zar” (what is this word anyways? ) says they might deport more than just criminals. (Like they said they would).
Hey, maybe I missed the beginning of a nuanced report. I mean, I just walked in.
But I feel like what I saw smelled like someone was trying to sell me something.
So I just walked in to CNN interviewing an ICE agent who says he’s “disgusted” when he hears narratives of sweeps, etc. he says he’s just there to arrest the criminals (and CNN mentions some particular rapist).
You know, in that case, why don’t we give the proper visas to everyone else already here. We know they’re working, and we know they’re needed, and they’re even paying taxes.
https://www.wacoca.com/games/1021821/ THIS WILL CHANGE BEAT SABER FOREVER #360 #360Mode #BeatGames #BeatSaber #BeatSaberCustomSong #BeatSaberUpdate #BeatSaberVr #Beatsaber #CatchTheBeat #custom #ExpertPlus #EXPERT+ #ExpertPlus #HardestSong #Headset #HTC #HtcVive #MonsterCat #Music #nisemono #Oculus #OculusQuest #OculusQuest2 #OculusRift #OstVolIII #Playstation5 #ProPlayer #PS4GAMES #PSVR #PsVR2 #Quest #Quest2 #Rift #Rythm #saber #spin #Tiktok #ValveIndex #VirtualReality #VIVE #VR #wireless #yes
dust is spinning
golden rays of Winter's sun
fall through icy glass
#vss365 - #dust
#VssPoem - #spin
#DailyHaikuPrompt - freeze
#WritingCommunity #poetry #haiku