The ultimate trip in America isn't a city, nor a beach, nor even a mountain; no, it's the clear shimmering window into eternity that is Badwater Basin at night, set in the sublime landscape of Death Valley, the "True Sky".
The ultimate trip in America isn't a city, nor a beach, nor even a mountain; no, it's the clear shimmering window into eternity that is Badwater Basin at night, set in the sublime landscape of Death Valley, the "True Sky".
Glowing blue spiral spotted across Europe night sky captivates stargazers #Science #Trending #World #blue spiral #SpaceX #stargazing
What beachgoers need to know about poisoned sea lions
#SeaLions #wildlife #poisoning #DomoicAcid #AlgaeBloom #stargazing #LosAngeles
Dark skies, absent light pollution, are coveted by astronomers. They are easy to find in New Mexico, with numerous sites throughout the state offering optimal stargazing.
#astronomy #stargazing #MilkyWay
New Mexico Nomad Activities : ...
#goodnews #Science #space #physics #stargazing
After 50 Years of Searching for Exoplanets, We Found Our Smallest Cosmic Neighbors Orbiting Local Star
Sharp, Clear, and Out of This World
Welcome my new lens :
Canon RF 100-400mm F5.6-8 IS USM
Post processing : mininmal sharpening to enhance crater shadows, denoise, but no AI
Playing around with StarChart on my tablet, I have discovered that for my location in Northern Germany, the moment when the sun sets EXACTLY in the West going through the 0°/270° point of the sky, was 17 minutes ago when I watched it disappear behind the horizon.
Now I wonder if this is specific to my latitude, or if this is the same everywhere in the world. Equinox is supposed to be in 4 days.
With the air so clear you can't even look at the sun when it's halfway below the horizon, and Mercury still being right next to Venus, today's the perfect opportunity to observe it here.
If I have any chance to see Mercury for myself, today would be it. Otherwise I have to assume my eyesight is busted and ancient people had magic powers to be able to see it.
Question to #astronomy and #stargazing nerds:
Sky is fantastic tonight, and so I am once again hunting for the faintest star on my map that I can see with binoculars. And I ended up looking near Capella and picking Menkalinan as my reference point. Fairly easy to match what I see with the stars on the chart.
But where is TW Aurigae? It's supposed to be magnitude 5.66.
I see HD 41202 and HD 40470, which is 7.69 (new record, yay!)
But I see nothing where TW Aurigae should be.
What's going on?
Stargazing emergency news!
Today is the perfect day to see Mercury. It's just to the left of Venus, about three finger width on an outstreched arm. It becomes visible just as the two are about to disappear behind the horizon where the sun has set.
Which in Germany is RIGHT NOW!
Wow. An absolutely hectic bedtime. Bubs teething again and is a CHOMPER! I got bitten while feeding several times and am reasonably upset and sore (this never happened with kiddo. She bit me once, I yelped, she looked horrified and that was that. This baby is a whole other beast)
Meanwhile, kiddo's dad had her up past bedtime playing video games (I'm just happy that he seems to have found something more age appropriate than plants Vs zombies) and she was just not settling, winding me up while I was trying to settle bubs.
I ended up taking him outside, so I could get a bit of space, and rock him to sleep in my arms, as the usual feed to sleep was not fucking working. Unshockingly, kiddo followed us out and when she asked if she could look at the stars, I didn't have enough fucks left to grump at her to stfu and go back to bed... So I said yes
And she gazed and gazed. I showed her the southern cross and Orion's belt and she was just, wowed. All her pent up energy turned to gentle awe. I got bubs to sleep and brought him in to bed. Thought kiddo's dad was out there with her, could hear her giggling away, but nope. She was just dancing in the starlight, being delighted.
Heartmelting and nourishing.
She was asleep within 2 mins of being back in bed, where she told me she'd dream of stars
Wow, what a beautiful big moon. And stars so clearly visible l. I think I got Orion's belt