#stick #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #photography #photographing #suomi #finland #snow #ice #sun. #walk #walking
Otto often gets compliments such as “what a pretty dog” or “how gracefully he moves”. Well. Sometimes not so much.
【協力求ム!】雑談しながら脱出ゲーム攻略!!【ゲーム実況】 https://www.yayafa.com/2227309/ #cylume #cylumedance #Dance #Game #gaming #GLOW #GraphicPoi #horichiki #japan #LEDPerformance #LEDパフォーマンス #LIGHT #LIGHTDANCE #Performance #Performer #STICK #tutting #Wotagei #YouTube #youtuber #アート #あるある #エンターテイメント #オタク #オタ芸 #グラフィックポイ #ゲーム #ゲーム実況 #ゲーム攻略 #サイリウム #サイリウムダンス #タットダンス #ダンス #チャレンジ #トレンド #パフォーマー #パフォーマンス #ハプニング #パロディ #ホリチキ #やってみた #ヲタ芸 #世界で話題 #世界一 #女子 #打ってみた #挑戦 #日本のパフォーマー #歌ってみた #流行 #男子 #脱出ゲーム #踊ってみた
Silvio Paredes, fundador de Electrodomésticos: “Soy de esa generación en que sin colaboración no pasaba nada” | vía #UChileRadio
Apple TV+ annuncia "Stick", una commedia sportiva con Owen Wilson nei panni di un ex golfista pro in cerca di riscatto. Con un cast corale, racconta una storia di famiglia ritrovata e seconde possibilità nel mondo del golf. In arrivo insieme a Murderbot #AppleTVPlus #Stick #OwenWilson
#Stick - Owen Wilson stars as Pryce Cahill, an over-the-hill, ex-pro golfer who hedges his bets, and future, entirely on a troubled 17-year-old golf phenom named Santi (Peter Dager).
Jason Keller’s heartfelt, feel-good comedy series premieres June 4 — Apple TV+
Owen Wilson Hits the Links in First Look at Apple TV+ Golf Comedy ‘Stick’
#Variety #News #OwenWilson #Stick
One of today's chores is being the official stick holder for the two mutts. If I didn't they would be fighting over it, with added chaos.
Yes I need to do my nails again.
Beat it with a stick you say? I guess I'll have to get myself a stick...
@writers @writingcommunity @writing @humour
#WritingMemes #Memes
#Fandom #Beats #Stick
#Author #Authors #IndieAuthor #IndieBooks #AmWriting #Writerdons #Writers #Writer #Writing #WritingCommunity #Writinglife #WritersOfMastodon
So. Da niemand mehr CDs kauft, versuchen wir es ab sofort mit Sticks!
Stick (1GB) inkl. CD (Who’s fooling who?) als hochauflösende WAVs, Flyer, Bandfotos und einem Video: Groove & Snoop bei WDR Lokalzeit.
Ich denke, es ist ein Versuch wert. Was meint ihr?
#GrooveSnoopBluesband #groovesnoop #music #blues #bluesmusic #spassanderarbeit #stick #cdcollection
Mein bestellter WLAN-USB-Stick lag heute im Briefkasten. Da mein alter #Stick eine zu geringe #Datenübertragungsrate hatte, habe ich mir gestern extra einen schnelleren, linuxfähigen Stick bestellt. Die 'Installation', wenn man es überhaupt so nennen kann, war denkbar einfach: Stick einstecken, fertig. Einfacher geht es wirklich nicht! Dabei hatte ich mich innerlich schon auf eine regelrechte Installations-Odyssee eingestellt. #Linux überrascht mich immer wieder aufs Neue.
#stick : a small shoot, or branch, separated, as by a cutting, from a tree or shrub
- French: bâton
- German: der Stock
- Italian: palo
- Portuguese: graveto
- Spanish: palo
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Every morning, I've been gradually working on a walking stick. It's the first I've ever made, so it's been great practice.
I just finished the wood burning, and now I am going to try leather wrapping the handle (another thing I've never done before).
stick stick stick stick
stick stick stick stick
stick stick stick stick
sticky sticky stick stick