The mangled remains of the frame from a highway sign up in a tree in our neighborhood. This is from at least 2 miles away from the highway and about 250 yards from our house.
The mangled remains of the frame from a highway sign up in a tree in our neighborhood. This is from at least 2 miles away from the highway and about 250 yards from our house.
Well it looks like we'll be without power again tonight. Union Electric had a strong presence in the area but the damage is too widespread.
The first picture is from an apartment complex across town. Their covered parking collapsed on all the cars. The second is from about 1/2 mile down the road from us. The top of the pole is just dangling there.
It's unclear when electricity will be restored. Our daughter is staying with a friend who still has power.
Stay safe and have a good afternoon.
We are in South County about 7 miles from our house getting lunch. These pictures are all from within a mile to two miles from our home. The blown over tree is maybe 250-300 yards from our driveway. One of the tornadoes was very close to us.
Good morning my tooting friends. It’s a wonderful cool morning at 18c & heading to a pretty good 29c. More thunderstorms forecast as well, but although there are clouds
about, they aren’t rain clouds
at the moment #Weather.
I’m planning to go swimming this morning but I might be on my own as I’ve had msgs from my daughter & my friend to say it’s too cool for them & they’ll give it a miss. I find the water nice & warm though so I’ll be there & hoping the rain stays away, although if it’s just rain I won’t care #Exercise #Swimming.
My gazebo seems to have a bit of damage, from what I can tell, it’s not easy to see as there’s still water on top of it, there are quite a number of holes, most seem small, but I can see at least one or two bigger ones. I’ll have to wait until it’s drier for a proper check. #StormDamage
Have a great #Monday everyone, hope it’s not too hot, nor too wet wherever you are. Take care out there .
Santa Cruz Wharf business owners relieved over reopening #business #SantaCruz #StormDamage
Cobb County issued another update yesterday afternoon on the cleanup efforts in the aftermath of Sunday's storm #CobbCounty #weather #StormDamage
Swannanoa Harley Davidson serves as relief hub, now back to business after storm damage #business #christmas #Collectibles #HarleyDavidson #HurricaneHelene #ReliefHub #renovations #StormDamage #Swannanoa