Artist Spotlight: Brian Bolland. Camelot 3000, Judge Dredd, Batman: The Killing Joke— he is one of the greatest.
Artist Spotlight: Brian Bolland. Camelot 3000, Judge Dredd, Batman: The Killing Joke— he is one of the greatest.
"She's Just A Girl!!"
Acrylic on Canvas
UV Original Sold
IG: Artbyanthillant
Prints Available below
"She's Just A Girl"
16x20 Acrylic on Canvas
UV Reactive
IG: Artbyanthillant
I’m watching #Hellboy and it occurs to me that you can’t solely credit the Disney shit for why studios make so many comic book movies and TV shows now. There was a whole string of comic book movies before Iron Man, and that’s not even counting all the Superman and Batman stuff. Hellboy, #Spawn, #VForVendetta, #TankGirl, #300, #SinCity, and one of the ‘90s’ best action movies in #Blade. I forget if #Watchmen came out before Iron Man, but it would have been close.
#happybirthday @actordougjones #dougjones #actor #Saru #StarTrekDiscovery #hellboy #fantasticfour #silversurfer #hocuspocus #buffy #tankgirl #FallingSkies #crimsonpeak #panslabyrith #legion #thewatch #TheStrain #Automata #theshapeofwater #WhatWeDointheShadows #Ouija #OriginofEvil #TheByeByeMan #startrek57 @trekcore
#HappyBirthday @iggypopofficial #iggypop #singer #actor #yelgrun #startrek #deepspacenine #thecrow #Rugrats #coffeeandcigarettes #DeadMan #crybaby #tankgirl #talesfromthecrypt #beavisandbutthead #AmericanDad #onceuponatimeinwonderland #TheDeadDontDie #ds930 #startrek57 @startrek @startrekonpplus @streammaxla
#Shorts- Te traigo otros detalles de #TankGirl