En directo | Sigue toda la actualidad del temporal que afecta a España #Actualidad #afecta #directo #España #inundaciones #lluvias #noticias #sigue #spain #temporal #Temporales En directo | Sigue toda la actualidad del temporal que afecta a España #Actualidad #afecta #directo #España #inundaciones #lluvias #noticias #sigue #spain #temporal #Temporales
Five Droughts That Changed History [visualisations]
-- <-- shared article
-- <-- USGS visualization page
-- <-- shared paper
#USGS #Vizlab #droughts #water #hydrology #visualisation #award #stripswarm #chart #temporal #streamgage #opendata #onset #duration #swarmlayout #timeline #GIS #spatial #mapping #spatiotemporal
Importante esto: si va usted de Soria a Madrid (o viceversa) por Ayllón y Riaza, no puede —lo más sensato es hacerlo vía Aranda de Duero
#temporal #carreteras #España
Temporal en Argentina: Milei decreta tres días de luto nacional por muertes en Bahía Blanca | vía #UChileRadio
The effect of auditory rhythm on the temporal allocation of visual attention in aging "robustness of cross-modal temporal expectations across both younger and older adults"; #crossmodal #temporal #perception
Temporal is now enabled by default in @firefoxnightly!
A huge thank you to our sponsor, Temporal!
We’re incredibly grateful to Temporal for supporting the PyCascades 2025 community. Your commitment to empowering developers and open-source communities is truly appreciated!
Tickets online are still available! Don’t miss out—grab yours today:
Thank you again to Temporal for being part of this amazing event!
First, I came to your cloud data centers. Now, I have arrived in your #JavaScript too.
I need to stop sleepwalking.
Letra da música “Temporal” de Pitty
#Pitty #Temporal
JavaScript Temporal is coming | MDN Blog
A new way to handle dates and times is being added to JavaScript. Let's take a look at Temporal, what problems it solves, the current state, and what you'll find in the new documentation about it on MDN.
Twice a year, due to a very old system, many assumptions, user expectations, and a bright mind that decided to set a database in Europe/Amsterdam TZ, we have to deal with at least a bug regarding time issues. I cannot wait for Temporal to be fully implemented in all the platforms.
Duration adaptation depends on the perceived rather than physical duration and can be observed across sensory modalities "duration adaptation relies on perceived duration and can occur across sensory modalities"; #crossmodal #multisensory #temporal #perception
"adapting to a subjectively matched #visual stimulus produced a significant aftereffect when the test stimulus was #auditory, indicating the existence of the cross-modal adaptation."
Hoy mi ciudad natal, #SãoPaulo, cumple 471 años desde su fundación, y lo celebra con la resaca del tercer mayor #temporal de lluvia desde que hay registros: se ha inundado parte del metro, edificios se han venido abajo y hay 26.000 inmuebles sin electricidad
#Brasil #CambioClimático #tiempo #noticias
JavaScript #Temporal is coming
La AEMET emite un aviso especial por la borrasca Herminia, que traerá vientos huracanados y lluvias intensas, afectando principalmente a las islas británicas y, en menor medida, a España.
Se esperan fuertes vientos y precipitaciones, especialmente en Galicia. #BorrascaHerminia #AEMET #Temporal