Star Wars: The Clone Wars: R2-D2 is a pilot
#C3PO #R2D2 #TheCloneWars #StarWars #FanthaTracks #R2D2 #C3PO #Droids #TheCloneWars
Watch R2-D2 show off his piloting skills in a scene from The Clone Wars.
Read the whole story at the below link:
Yoda being a total legend
#StarWarsKids #TheCloneWars #Yoda #StarWars #FanthaTracks #StarWarsKids #Yoda #TheCloneWars
Watch some incredible Yoda moments.
Read the whole story at the below link:
El 7 de marzo de 2014 se estrena la sexta temporada de la serie animada The Clone Wars, en Netflix.
On March 7, 2014, The sixth season of the animated series The Clone Wars premieres on Netflix.
El 22 de febrero de 1929 nace el actor James Hong, Azmorigan en Star Wars Rebels, Endente en The Clone Wars y el viejo en la versión en inglés de The Elder de Star Wars Visions.
On February 22, 1929, actor James Hong, Azmorigan in Star Wars Rebels, Endente in The Clone Wars and the elder in the English-language version of The Elder from Star Wars Visions, was born.
El 21 de febrero de 2020 se estrena la séptima y última temporada de la serie animada The Clone Wars en Disney+.
On February 21, 2020, the seventh and final season of the animated series The Clone Wars opens on Disney+.
Nomad Droids: R2-D2 and C-3PO Adventures
#C3PO #R2D2 #TheCloneWars #StarWars #FanthaTracks #R2D2 #C3PO #TheCloneWars #droidspot
Watch R2-D2 and C-3PO in action in The Clone Wars season four eoisode Nomad Droids.
Read the whole story at the below link:
Seeing Rosario Dawson playing Ahsoka Tano for the first time was jarring. I kept seeing Dawson, not Ahsoka, and I couldn't accept not having Ashley Eckstein's iconic voice in the role. I couldn't suspend disbelief and accept that this was little ‘Soka.
It reminds me of seeing Hugo Weaving as Elrond. It took me years to accept that this was Eärendil and Elwing's son, not Agent Smith.
This time around, on this rewatch, I've had more distance from TCW, and I'm finally accepting this portrayal of Ahsoka. I can see her in Dawson's performance; her body language, her gait, her build.
And I'm grateful, because she really did do an excellent job bringing the character to live action.
#TheCloneWars Season 5 Episode 9 (2012) featured Slave I, modified by then-owner Hondo Ohnaka to what we often call its "Empire Strikes Back" colors – with some slight changes
More Fett in film and television:
How did Trace survive so long being so dumb? #TheCloneWars
#Happybirthday @oliviadabo #OliviadAbo #actress #amandarogers #q #startrek #thenextgeneration #trueq #starwars #theriseofskywalker #theclonewars #conanthedestroyer #thewonderyears #pointofnoreturn #bolero #ultimateavengers #justiceleague #LawandOrder #CriminalIntent #TravelingLight #startrek58 @trekcore
"You've got a problem with Boba, you've got a problem with me." – #Bossk to Hardeen
#TheCloneWars Season 4 Episode 15 premiered on this day in 2012, featuring Cad Bane paying off Young #BobaFett to create a diversion, leading to a prison riot
More film and TV with Fett:
I guess there isn't a Galactic Reserve to bail out banks in the #StarWars universe? #TheCloneWars
The intelligent, scheming Darth Maul in #TheCloneWars is an entirely different character to the unspeaking brute from #ThePhantomMenace... which makes this feel like fan fiction...
Star Wars: The Clone Wars is certainly up there with my favorite animated shows and shows in general.
It’s been a journey both on-screen and behind-the-scenes and I’m glad we got the final season in 2020 to round things off.
This video is a beautiful tribute to one of the best Star War.
#HappyBirthday @realclancybrown #clancybrown #actor #startrek #Enterprise #theadventuresofbukaroobanzai #Highlander #shawshankredemption #StarshipTroopers #PromisingYoungWoman #JohnWick4 #Carnivale #ashoka #starwars #TheCloneWars #thepenguin #spongebobsquarepants #AvatarTheLastAirbender #thorragnarok #DumbMoney #thefix @startrek @startrekonpplus @streammaxla @marvelstudios @starwars @DisneyPlusLA
Today we've posted our 3rd viewer special request for #16bitreview. And it's #starwars the #clonewars Republic Heroes for the #nintendods
#HappyBirthday @SamuelLJackson #SamuelLJackson #actor #nickfury #captainmarvel #avengers #ironman2 #ageofultron #CaptainAmerica #WinterSoldier #CivilWar #spidermanfarfromhome #avengersendgame #whatif #secretinvasion #themarvels #starwars #thaphantommenace #theclonewars #pulpfiction #fightnight #TheUnholyTrinity #ThePianoLesson #TheGarfieldMovie #Damaged #Argylle #jurassicpark #djangounchained #theincredibles #kingsman #jumper #missperegrine #glass #DisneyPlus