This is quite an interesting article about #HattieMcDaniel.
i remember a school outing to a cinema in the city (Naarm) to see #GoneWithTheWind. as a catholic schoolgirl in the 60s i was clueless about a lot of things, had no great idea what the story was about and most of what i remember is that i was bored witless.
in later years, i did come to wonder about McDaniel’s participation in and poor treatment in such a crap industry.
a parallel oscar story must surely be that of Octavia Spencer, best supporting actress winner for the 2011 film, #TheHelp. it’s a problematic film on lots of levels (white saviourism, for starters).
I think i read somewhere that magazines re-write themselves every four years, cos there is a fixed number of topics/angles to explore. Don’t know what the cycle length is for film, but even white-ish movies like the help provide a service; they present each succeeding generation of mainly white audiences with a dose of truth they are unlikely to encounter elsewhere, and the help introduced people to the Jim Crow era all over again (as well as the economic class known as white trash, and the subservience of women generally).
the help is mediocre and cringeworthy at times, but there were some knockout performances. Viola Davis was robbed - she deserved a best actress oscar for this, and Jessica Chastain should have got best supporting actress. the film has lots of cringeworthy moments, but giving the oscar to octavia spencer for playing a likeable maid who helped the poor white lady was the worst, just on principle. (None of this is to criticise Octavia Spencer or her performance, it’s just the oscar politics I’m on about here.)
anyway, there are worse things in the world…