Latest blog post on my Favorite TV Theme Songs
Latest blog post on my Favorite TV Theme Songs
A crayon drawing from the artist set from my brother's class of Ally McBeal hallucinating the dancing baby running out of her office, while she's talking to John Cage, from season one, episode 12, "Cro-Magnon," in my Master's Touch Bristol vellum sketchbook
#calistaflockhart #allymcbeal #90s #allymylove #masterstouch #Bristolvellum #crayon #crayondrawing
Mondo LLama watercolor brush pen painting, of Ally McBeal seeing the dancing baby in her dreams in season one, episode 12, "Cro-Magnon," in my Hapikalor watercolor sketchbook I got from my aunt.
#Mondollama #watercolor #watercolorpainting #watercolorbrush #Calistaflockhart #90s #AllyMcBeal #allymylove #Hapikalor
Watercolor painting with my eyes closed in Sketchbook. It looks Ally McBeal (Calista Flockhart) is wearing her black turtleneck sweater with a ponytail from season 2, episode 6, "You Never Can Tell," I made this painting while I was in the car on Thursday night
#Calistaflockhart #allymcbeal #allymylove #watercolor #watercolorpainting #90s #allymylove #Sketchbook
Watercolor painting with my eyes closed in Sketchbook. It looks like the dancing baby from Ally McBeal. I made this painting while I was in the car on Thursday night.
#allymcbeal #watercolor #watercolorpainting #90s #Sketchbook #allymylove
David E. Kelly The Man Behind Ally McBeal book I bought with my Christmas money with my gift card on Amazon
#davidekelly #calistaflockhart #90s #allymcbeal #Amazon #books #amazonbooks
The Totally Unauthorized Guide to Ally McBeal book I bought on Amazon with my Christmas money with my gift card
#Allymcbeal #books #amazonbooks #Calistaflockhart #90s
A 4B pencil, 6B pencil, and watercolor painting of Ally McBeal hallucinating the dancing baby at Cage and Fish from season one, episode 12, "Cro-Magnon," in HiPaint video
#HiPaint #Allymcbeal #allymylove #fanart #90s #watercolor #watercolorpainting #calistaflockhart #mixedmedia #pencildrawing #pencil
A 4B pencil, 6B pencil, and watercolor painting of Ally McBeal hallucinating the dancing baby at Cage and Fish from season one, episode 12, "Cro-Magnon," in HiPaint
#HiPaint #Allymcbeal #allymylove #fanart #90s #watercolor #watercolorpainting #calistaflockhart #mixedmedia #pencildrawing #pencil
Si en tu mente repasas un año y no te hace llorar de alegría o de tristeza, considera el año perdido.
#happybirthday @lucyliu #lucyliu #actress #AllyMcBeal #CharliesAngels #FullThrottle #Elementary #RedOne #StrangeWorld #Shazam #FuryoftheGods #SetItUp #Payback #ShanghaiNoon #Chicago #KillBill #LuckyNumberSlevin #WatchingtheDetectives #TheManwiththeIronFists #KungFuPanda #TinkerBell #MayaandMiguel #Mulan2
#HappyBirthday @RobertDowneyJr #RobertDowneyJr #actor #TonyStark #Ironman #theavengers #ageofultron #CaptainAmerica #CivilWar #infinitywar #spiderman #homecoming #endgame #Oppenheimer #TheSympathizer #sherlockholmes #AGameofShadows #chaplin #allymcbeal #tropicthunder #dolittle #Gothika #Bowfinger #OnlyYou #AirAmerica #WeirdScience #MarvelStudios #DisneyPlus
#AllyMcBeal clip at the #Emmys. Pure joy