#ScribesAndMakers 3.6 — Tell us about a book you go back and read over and over. What do you love about it?
(I broke something on my bookshelf just to retrieve these two books, so I hope this post is worth the strife. Crystals and glass went everywhere.)
Let me preface this by saying that I am a huge fan of Tolkien as both a human being and as a writer. My library has an entire section for Tolkien's Legendarium. It's overflowing at this point.
On the left we have my own copy of The Silmarillion, and on the right is my father's. He took that book across the country, while backpacking and later while living in his VW bus. It's special to me. The book, as a whole, was what drew me to writing in the first place. As a child, my dad first read The Hobbit to me before bed, and then The Lord of the Rings after. It was off to the races from that point on. The Lost Tales and The Unfinished Tales followed. When I got my hands on The Silmarillion, it sealed the deal for me. This is a comfort book for me, even though I cry buckets at the myths and tales within. That's okay, though.