Mastodon Post
I read the letters column in the Denver Post until the "secure connection failed." Some of the letter writers were bewildered that Donald Trump had trashed Aurora with misinformation that went nationwide and stained the city's reputation for years to come for no reason other than his own personal political gain.
These days, Is Donald Trump lying (of course he is) or confabulating? Confabulation is a term referring to making up details of stories without realizing one is doing it. Strictly speaking, it is not lying, even though what the person is saying is not true. Confabulation results from brain damage. It is usually associated with brain damage from alcoholism, but alcoholism is not the only cause. As a matter strictly of my own personal opinion and from my experience of following the 2024 presidential campaign, I think Donald Trump is confabulating. If this is so - keep in mind that Trump has not been forthcoming with his medical information as Kamala Harris has - then every voter ought to be tremendously concerned about the possibility of electing a candidate who may be brain damaged.
#2024election #2024elections #2024presidentialelection #auroracolorado #colorado #confabulate #confabulating #confabulation #democrats #kamalaharris #presidentialelection #presidentialelection2024 #trump #unitedstateselection #unitedstateselections #uselection #uselection2024 #uselections #uselections2024 #uspresidentialelection #uspresidentialelection2024