Another of Beau's beautiful #handmade masks.
This piece has a gorgeous natural stained finish.
#CoastSalish #Mask.
Please support BC Indigenous artist small business
One of Beau's beautiful #handmade masks.
#CoastSalish #Raven #Mask.
Please check out his Coast Salish fine art for sale & support Indigenous artist small business
A small detail on a door frame, exhibited in the Museum of Witch Hunt in Ribe, Denmark.
#witchhunt #witch #pagan #paganthings #ribedenmark #ribedenmark #denmark #skull #skullcarving #woodcarving
Holidays with @alibo
(Ursprünglich am 30. Dezember 2021 auf Instagram gepostet.)
Bonjour , nouvelle collaboration avec Benjamin Laraud Laraud Blades, une gravure sur le thème de Vivaldi.
Un violoncelle d'un côté de l'autre une partition d'un des plus grands classiques. Est ce que parmi vous certains sauront le reconnaître?
Manche en pernambouc, utilisé en lutherie pour la fabrication des archers.
Zennor, Cornwall
Any visit to West Cornwall would not be complete without saying hello to the C15th Mermaid of Zennor. Although she sits in isolation in a sea of mediocre Victorian restoration, she is beautiful, inspiring, and mysterious. She holds a mirror and a comb, seen as symbols of vanity.