Black sorghum & Great Northern tempeh sectioned and stored after a total fermentation time of 75 hours.
Details here:
@vegancooking @wfpb
#food #recipe #WFPB #vegan #vegetarian #omnivore #health #tempeh #sorghum
@Leisureguy @vegancooking @wfpb This batch of tempeh looks very consistent through the steps of fermentation. #fermentation
@Pollinators @vegancooking @wfpb
Yes, this was a very well-behaved batch.
@Leisureguy @vegancooking @wfpb. Your consistent good experiences with blending two grains or legumes is inspiring. #tempeh.
@Pollinators @vegancooking @wfpb
If you give it a go, I'll be interested to hear of the combinations you try. I go with legume plus grain because then some tempeh in a meal checks off three of Michael Greger's Daily (Baker's) Dozen: beans, grain, and mushroom (though really it's the mycelium I eat in tempeh, but still a fine source of ergothioneine).
@Leisureguy @vegancooking @wfpb We have small black beluga lentils. Have you used them? They have a lot of surface area for the mycelium.
@Pollinators @vegancooking @wfpb
Yes, indeed. One of my favorite tempeh combinations is black lentils and purple barley. Here's one such batch:
I make this combination fairly often.
@Leisureguy @vegancooking @wfpb Yes. It is good to know the beluga lentils work well. Does buckwheat work for the grains portion? It absorbs a lot of water.
@Pollinators @vegancooking @wfpb
I have not tried buckwheat groats yet. I generally stick to grains, but I did use quinoa in one batch (mixed with millet and einkorn), and it worked well.
@Leisureguy @vegancooking @wfpb Thank you for sharing the recipe with oat groats. #tempeh.
@Pollinators @Leisureguy epic crossover
@Pollinators @vegancooking @wfpb
I just recalled that I did use oat groats in a tempeh with good success. Oat groats also tends to be wet, but it worked out well. (I also used a little rye because I did not have quite enough oats.) Here's the story of that batch: