Black sorghum & Great Northern tempeh sectioned and stored after a total fermentation time of 75 hours.
Details here:
@vegancooking @wfpb
#food #recipe #WFPB #vegan #vegetarian #omnivore #health #tempeh #sorghum
@Leisureguy that's really beautiful tempeh!
@cookingroffa Thank you. I like to vary the beans and grain. This is my first with black sorghum, but I just ordered a 6-lb jar of it, so it will not be my last. One favorite: black lentils (AKA Beluga lentils) and purple barley, though I would like to try black barley.
@Leisureguy @vegancooking @wfpb This batch of tempeh looks very consistent through the steps of fermentation. #fermentation
@Pollinators @vegancooking @wfpb
Yes, this was a very well-behaved batch.
@Leisureguy @vegancooking @wfpb. Your consistent good experiences with blending two grains or legumes is inspiring. #tempeh.
@Pollinators @vegancooking @wfpb
If you give it a go, I'll be interested to hear of the combinations you try. I go with legume plus grain because then some tempeh in a meal checks off three of Michael Greger's Daily (Baker's) Dozen: beans, grain, and mushroom (though really it's the mycelium I eat in tempeh, but still a fine source of ergothioneine).
@Leisureguy @vegancooking @wfpb We have small black beluga lentils. Have you used them? They have a lot of surface area for the mycelium.
@Pollinators @vegancooking @wfpb
Yes, indeed. One of my favorite tempeh combinations is black lentils and purple barley. Here's one such batch:
I make this combination fairly often.
@Leisureguy @vegancooking @wfpb Yes. It is good to know the beluga lentils work well. Does buckwheat work for the grains portion? It absorbs a lot of water.
@Pollinators @vegancooking @wfpb
I have not tried buckwheat groats yet. I generally stick to grains, but I did use quinoa in one batch (mixed with millet and einkorn), and it worked well.
@Leisureguy @vegancooking @wfpb Thank you for sharing the recipe with oat groats. #tempeh.
@Pollinators @Leisureguy epic crossover
@Pollinators @vegancooking @wfpb
I just recalled that I did use oat groats in a tempeh with good success. Oat groats also tends to be wet, but it worked out well. (I also used a little rye because I did not have quite enough oats.) Here's the story of that batch:
I just saw a video on growing Jerusalem artichokes and mentioned it to my son (in Peoria IL), and he said he had been thinking about growing them. Have you tried that crop? Here's the video that piqued my interest: