As part of our #polaroidproject at #biologists100, we highlight Godwin Pius Ohemu
Godwin is a global health advocate, microbiologist, and skilled communicator.
As part of our #polaroidproject at #biologists100, we highlight Godwin Pius Ohemu
Godwin is a global health advocate, microbiologist, and skilled communicator.
Jellyfish blooms and antibiotic resistance
New research finds that decaying jellyfish blooms create hotspots for antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the ocean, potentially spreading resistance to harmful microbes.
#SciComm #Oceans #AMR
Jellyfish blooms and antibiotic resistance
New research finds that decaying jellyfish blooms create hotspots for antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the ocean, potentially spreading resistance to harmful microbes.
#SciComm #Oceans #AMR
How User Journey Mapping Helps Delivering Real Product Value
#intralogistic #amr #robotics
#Mikroplastik fördert die Entstehung von #Antibiotikaresistenzen: Unter Laborbedingungen verstärken die winzigen Partikel offenbar die Wirkung von Biofilmen als Schutzschild von #Bakterien gegen antimikrobielle Wirkstoffe, so berichtet der ORF. #AMR
SciTech Chronicles. . . . . . . . .Mar 16th, 2025
#dyes #proteins #perylene-bisimide #supramolecular #brown #dwarf #Orion #boundaries #bore-fields #groundwater #infiltration #modelling #AMR #medicine #agriculture #cf-PICIs galactic #rotation #Schwarzchild #bounce
The sudden U.S. cuts left no time for other nations to react, creating an immediate crisis. TB programs are now at risk of collapse, threatening decades of progress. Drug resistance will surge, endangering millions. Urgent action is needed. #TB #GlobalHealth #AMR
The World’s Deadliest Infectio...
Pipeline release! nf-core/funcscan v2.1.0 - v2.1.0 - Egyptian Koshari - 2025-03-05!
Please see the changelog:
New #PhDstudentship available in the #Salgadolab to study #AMR bacteria, #Cdiff #BugSlayer and develop your research skills in microbiology, #structuralbiology and computational chemistry
pls share and get in touch if you want to know more!
#Diabetes fördert Antibiotikaresistenzen: Ein schwaches #Immunsystem & hohe Blutzuckerwerte bieten multiresistenten Keimen ideale Bedingungen. Ein Tiermodell zeigt, dass sich die Erreger in diabetischen Wunden schnell vermehren können. via Deutschlandfunk #AMR
#Antibiotikaresistenzen sind eine schleichende #Pandemie, doch die Wirkstoffpipeline ist fast leer. Die Entwicklung neuer Antibiotika müsse dringend attraktiver werden, so Rolf Müller, Direktor des HZI-Standorts @helmholtz_hips. Via Pharmazeutische Zeitung. #AMR
Striking stuff:
"An estimated 2.1% of antibiotics were attributable to RSV, equating to an average of 640 000 prescriptions annually."
#IDSky #AMR #ClinMicro #virology
General practice antibiotic pr...
JUST PUBLISHED: New research paper on an #AI model that can indicate which compounds perform better against various strains of bacteria, aiding the fight against #AMR.
The model could predict at least 30% of the active hits compared to the tested results of the EU Openscreen Library.
Grab a cup of tea and read our interview with the lead researcher here!!n7QCqY
#IHITransformingHealth #HorizonEU #EUResearch
It is more likely to isolate a resistant pathogen in a patient from a lower-middle-class neighborhood than in a patient from an upper-class neighborhood.
Our latest preprint validates two low-cost global #risk reduction stimuli .
An infographic and a text message improved #antibiotic decisions in ways that could reduce existential risks of #AntimicrobialResistance.
Oilivia Parlow was a great advisee!
I made a video with Bob, Ted & Ralph testing out some probiotic dog treatments after having listened to an episode of the Accidental Gods podcast by @Eceni.
You can watch it here:
Microorganisms for Household Cleaning and Pet Care
Last year I was listening to the Accidental Gods podcast with Manda Scott @Eceni (which had been recommended to me by Jonathan Schofield @urlyman) and the first episode I listened to really chimed with some intuitions I feel I’ve held for a long time.
It’s a brilliant episode and well worth a listen for some fantastic insight in to the benefits of using microorganisms over the traditional chemicals we use in both cleaning and pet care. In it we learn from Joe Flanagan of their contrasting effects on human, animal and planetary health.
Joe has set up a company with his wife called Ingenious Probiotics which harnesses the power of live, naturally-sourced microorganisms to create sustainable care and cleaning products with enhanced functions and benefits. Their focus on health and ecology ensure these are true microbiome innovations for a sustainable future.
Read more on the science and ethics behind probiotics
Having had conversations right at the heart of power with the UK Health Secretary and industry heavyweights who control NHS contracts, Joe sheds some light on the powerful and dark forces that are essentially keeping us bound to the chemicals that he thinks are likely to kill us off long before the effects of climate change do!
So much of what he said resonated with me. For a long time I’ve tried to avoid traditional chemical cleaning products, whether that be in household cleaning: washing up liquids, detergents etc. or personal hygiene in terms of shampoos and that sort of thing.
It makes total sense to me that we should not be sanitising surfaces in a way that wipes out 99.9 of bacteria (for only a matter of moments) before it is all instantly recolonised again, only this time starting out with the strongest, deadliest 0.01% of bad bacteria that didn’t get wiped out, making them ever more dominant!
Indeed that’s why we now get superbugs such as MRSA. What we think is making things clean is actually making our living environments more dangerous, ramping up anti-microbial resistance and at the same time advancing a heavily polluted world of forever chemicals.
Read more probiotic cleaning for reducing antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
The Hidden Dangers in Conventional Cleaning Products
Many traditional cleaning products contain carcinogens and harmful chemicals that are not always listed on the label. A 10 year study found people working as cleaners who used conventional products were 58% more likely to develop lung cancer than office workers. Meanwhile a 20 year study revealed that using some cleaning products can be as harmful to the lungs as smoking twenty cigarettes a day.
Read more about how non-toxic cleaning products help reduce cancer risks
Ingenious Probiotics as part of the Ethical Revolution
Having listened to the episode I got in touch with Joe who sent me a sample of their Universal concentrate cleaner for use on practically anything, along with a couple of probiotic pet care products. I made a video demonstrating their use and the effect they had.
Probiotic Household Cleaner
The idea is that by using probiotics you clean in a natural way that restores healthy balance to your living environment.
There’s no need to use harsh chemicals when naturally-sourced, eco-friendly products do a better job.
Probiotic cleaning formulas can be used in place of your usual household cleaning chemicals, sprays, air fresheners and harsh detergents to keep your home clean and hygienic without exposing you, your family or your pets to toxic residues and fumes.
And because the Universal Concentrate Cleaner contains a cocktail of probiotics just a tiny amount of it goes a long way, making a 1 litre bottle last a lot longer than traditional cleaner of the same size.
All of the products supplied by Ingenious Probiotics are:
Probiotic Pet Care
As Ingenious Probiotics have a range of probiotics for pet care I also told Joe about our dogs. He sent me some treatments and gave me some advice. I made a video of the treatments in action. Here’s the low-down on the dogs, their issues and the treatments:
So, Bob, is 15 going on 5 – still has his ‘joie de vivre’ and loves nothing more than running about after balls with his three year old pals, Ted & Ralph. Incidentally they’re all fed vegan diets as have all our animals been and all have lived long and healthy lives (I’ll make a video on their diets at some point). But Bob’s breath isn’t the greatest these days. In the absence of a ‘smellibell’ monitor I bravely put my nasal receptors in the vicinity for you to judge my reaction!
Ooof! Yep, so Joe says that using good bacteria to out compete the problem causing bacteria in the mouth should do the trick – A couple of sprays of LUCAA+ Pet Probiotic Dental Care each side of the mouth twice a day – Getting the probiotics to the inside of the lips, with no need to make the dog open his mouth wide.
The LUCAA+ Pet Probiotic Dental Care is naturally sourced from plants and is packed with beneficial good probiotic bacteria that will quickly restore a healthy microflora balance in the dog’s mouth. It helps clean the teeth and gums on a microbial level and inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria.
I did this for a few weeks and then repeated my ‘smellibell’ test to see if there was any noticeable difference! Joe noted that because of his age and therefore years of build up of plaque and tartar, it may be a little more difficult to eradicate odour (but it wasn’t!) and that other case studies have shown it to be an effective remedy when used from a younger age. Here’s one with four year old Dexter.
“Probiotic dental spray reduces plaque and tartar build up and bad breath, as well as the risk of inflammation and periodontal disease.”
Next it was Ralph’s turn. Despite him and Ted coming from the same litter and having the same diet and living environment Ralph does seem to have skin issues which Ted doesn’t suffer from. Whether it’s related or not his coat is also not as thick and he has some balder patches.
For this Joe said that there are quite a few possible contributing factors for skin issues. He recommended I use the Allergen Free spray to out compete any types of bad bacteria that might cause dermatitis and as reduce bio allergens at the same time. I was advised to use it both directly on to the skin and over bedding, starting twice a day and monitoring to reduce down when things began to improve.
The Allergen Free spray is naturally sourced from plants and is packed with beneficial good probiotic bacteria to restore a healthy skin microbiome, reducing the risk of itchy, flaky skin, excessive scratching, hotspots and rashes.
Other things that might contribute to skin conditions would be diet, antibacterial products, anxiety, mites (you would know if that were the case) and yeast (usually related to diet). Of all of those the only one that is different between Ted & Ralph is anxiety. It’s true that Ralph has a more anxious personality. So if the problem was from anxiety I was unsure whether the spray would have an effect or not.
However, looking at a case study on beautiful Molly the symptoms seem almost identical to Ralph. With Molly there was a noticeable improvement within a couple of weeks and big improvements after a few months. I gave it a go on Ralph AKA ‘Wiggles’ (from the way he saunters in to a room to excitedly greet you!) and reported back a few weeks later.
Read How Probiotic Cleaning and Pet Care Supports a Circular Economy
You can see in the videos just how effective the probiotic pet treatments were, so I highly recommend them.
A healthier, safer and greener future
To move towards a healthier, safer and greener future we should all be switching to environmental probiotic cleaning products and pet care.
Read some more about Ingenious Probiotics here.
Watch my video checking out the products and trialling two of them on my dogs.
More healthcare bang for the Belgian buck needed, says Vandenbroucke #AMR #Belgium #EUPharmaPackage #FrankVandenbroucke #healthcare