and the above should've been on the #taggart thread instead of here, but we've already established that i suck at keeping all my updates to a single thread...
anyway, first issue closed! #lofty worked great, giving me uniform support for *takes a deep breath* #Aac #Aiff #Ape #Flac #Mpeg #Mp4 #Mpc #Opus #Vorbis #Speex #Wav #WavPack
up next: using to get me some tidy columns - length of some release titles is just delightfully absurd!
MossGrabers ConvertWithMoss v12.1.0 Standalone Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]
The integrated Audio Converter in #NeoFinder 8.8 for #macOS can now convert raw ".aac" audio files into many other formats, like .m4a, which are usually better suited for playback with other software:
EarQuiz EarQuiz Frequencies v0.1.8 Standalone Win Mac Linux [FREE]
#Standalone #tool #aiff #AMP #AppleSilicon #boost #Converter #Dark #Digital #EarQuiz #easy #EQ #Equalizer #Fade #filter #flac #free #Gain #Generator #learning #Linux #Live #MacOS #Mastering #mp3 #music #ogg #other #Patterns #Peak #Presets #Random #recognize #Recording #slice #Spectral #Standalone #Time #Transition #
DamRsn NeuralNote (Audio To MiDi) v1.1.0 VSTI3 AU STANDALONE LiNUX Windows MacOS [FREE]
Do you know AMR files?
If you use your iPhone for voice notes, and transfer these to your Mac, that is the "Apple Message Recording" format that Apple uses for the audio recordings.
#NeoFinder 8.8 can now catalog the basic metadata from these.