Good morning :)
Cycling to the train station was a little hard for non-sporty guy like me and i've got two earworms during the short ride.
First was Queen's "Fat Bottomed Girls" and the second is I/Abbath's "Warriors".
What a wild mix and the second is perfect for #BlackMetalMonday
Have a nice day
My #ZoocideBlackMetal song with #HarshNoise and Raw elements
A cover version of the song "Was du nicht willst das man dir tu" by Die Militante Veganerin
Chorus means:
"I hope you'll be in the chick culling machine
There's still room for you in the gas chamber
Our feast on the murderer's plate
Tastes freshly of your death cry"
own lyrics:
"I hope we'll piss on the butchers' graves together"
Sound of a culling machine at the end
I have not done a #BlackMetalMonday post in a while. For shame. So I shall change that today. Here is a band from the US called Fornicus and their album Sulphuric Omnipotence #Metal #BlackMetal
Master of the The Nebulous Reach (2025)
Sure Midnight Odyssey is far from classic BM, but loved by so many!
"Hey Miona, do you like early or more recent Satyricon?"
Well, both! It's basically a mood thing, and today's mood is definitely more straight forward and punchy~
Satyricon - Die By My Hand
Enough of the foolishness of politics and hashtags, i'm here for #music and #metal.
It's #BlackMetalMonday and time for some Nifelheim.
Nifelheim - Storm of the Reaper
Who says #BlackMetal can't be romantic?
"Manchmal wenn sie schläft
Sehe ich die Schatten
Die sie hinter ihren Lidern jagen"
"Sometimes while she sleeps
I see shadows
Hunting her from behind her eyelids"
I'm hijacking this #BlackMetalMonday to introduce the subgenre I've created:
Zoocide Black Metal, shortened ZBM
A genre addressing the horrors of animal cruelty and animal mass killing
ZBM doesn't define itself over lyrical content alone:
- frequent use of audio samples like from slaughtering processes and movies like #Dominion and #Earthlings
- guitar riffs and drum parts imitating the sound of cattle guns, chick culling machines, etc.
The anti-Christian attitude remains and is shown by pointing out that Christians usually participate in torturing and (mass) killing animals
Ah, it's still #BlackMetalMonday and i've got something for it.
Bloody Keep.
Is it the ultimate #shitpost band with an #anime Dracula on the Cover? Is it #blackmetal and #dungeonsynth in a toxic relationship?
I don't know.
Is it fun?
Hell yeah.
I like it.
Truncated week. Let's see how it goes. #BlackMetalMonday #OneOfNine
What? The album seems to have one track less on Bandcamp than on Deezer. Why?
Ausweglos – Ausgestoßen
Vermilia is black metal artist from Finland, and she makes raw yet atmospheric bm with folkish elements
Vermilia - Pimeä Polku