Another #meme praising the man with the trash bag over his head
My #ZoocideBlackMetal song with #HarshNoise and Raw elements
A cover version of the song "Was du nicht willst das man dir tu" by Die Militante Veganerin
Chorus means:
"I hope you'll be in the chick culling machine
There's still room for you in the gas chamber
Our feast on the murderer's plate
Tastes freshly of your death cry"
own lyrics:
"I hope we'll piss on the butchers' graves together"
Sound of a culling machine at the end
Free download codes:
Etherveil - Spellbound
"It’s harsh, fast, loud, and noisy"
Just imagine wearing this in public and some random person saying to you: "Name five songs by him!"
Imagine locking Nazis up into a church and setting it on fire - best of both worlds
I like this song (whether I like it or not)
Btw, it's okay for me to post this (my band has a #HarshNoise song titled "The day Asagraum aborted Absurd", pinned on profile)
#BlackMetal #Asagraum #Metal #Burzum #FckNZS #NSBM #Satire #Abortion #azugm
imagine a cat/pig hybrid ...
Kann Spuren enthalten von / may contain traces of:
Blackened #Doom
#HarshNoise #Ambient #Grindcore
Im Teigmantel / wrapped into dough
Sieht's der Allmächtige nicht / the almighty god won't see it
Ist's gut genug für ihn / if it's good enough for him
Ist's gut genug für mich / it's good enough for me
My Band azugm is also on #Bandcamp
"Muskete" can be considered a Death #Doom song about hunting a mysterious creature in the mountains
"Spiel' diese unheilige Musik, schwarzer Junge"
#Ambient and #DungeonSynth song about African #BlackMetal
"Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Brandmauer einzureissen"
#Grindcore and #HarshNoise song about the cold firewall between German conservative parties and the #Nazi party #AfD
Please follow @azugm on Mastodon and Bandcamp!
#DeathMetal #DoomMetal #Metal #Noise #NoAFD #FckAFD #CDU #FckCDU #CSU #FckCSU #DePol #FckNZS #Brandmauer #Rechtsruck
#legionofswine trots out on a small tour in the EU later this month - catch his racket at the following places......
My #HarshNoise audio collage about the #TrumpZelenskyy scandal on February 28, titled:
"Trumpolini (see you at the gas station)"
Audio sample from "The Godfather" / Robert De Niro saying "Vaffanculo" ("Fuck you" in Italian)
The gun firing sounds are those of an MAS 38 submachine gun (the gun Mussolini was killed with)
Preview image: Trump / Mussolini hybrid
More of my music and audio art: @azugm
Super grateful to be featured on the fleshbunkker YouTube Channel!
They’ve selected my recent improvised, lo-fi noise composition “I’m so depressed…” which is part of The Church of Noisy Goat’s new tribute compilation for David Lynch, “Who is the Dreamer?”
One of our friends, Yhorm, could really use your help! He has the kindest heart and does so much for this community. Unfortunately he’s been going through a very difficult few months and now finds himself in a desperate situation. His GoFundMe will explain exactly his situation for you. But to sum it all up - he needs your help for basic needs like food, utilities, rent, etc.
Recently Lab Rat featured my piece “LOESS I” in its entirety! It’s a loaded show at 2hrs 39mins, with dedication to the long form towards the end (which is of course where you’ll find my track):
As always - a special thanks to Porlie Eidolon at Islington Radio!
Somehow I have a feeling this would make a good #HarshNoise album cover (at least if you change it to black and white only)
I'm looking forward to using this as my lullaby soon