The gang is back again
Check out "Psyche", "Psyche Remixed", "The Medication Remixes", "Reconstrucdead", the "Isolation"-demos and soundtrack stuff here... more news coming soon:
The gang is back again
Check out "Psyche", "Psyche Remixed", "The Medication Remixes", "Reconstrucdead", the "Isolation"-demos and soundtrack stuff here... more news coming soon:
Life is like a hurricane.... every run, hell every stream, it gets stuck in my head. #runningthreads #rundanrun #twitch #runstream #ducktales
Every, mother duckin' week. #chatsandvidyareacts #rundanrun #twitch #ducktales
Latest blog post on my Favorite TV Theme Songs
TV In The Radio: DuckTales Theme – Mark Mueller
Mark Mueller’s DuckTales theme is one of TV’s most iconic. The “woo-oo!” hook, added last minute, became the song’s most memorable feature!
What’s your favorite moment from #DuckTales?
The maternal uncle of Donald Duck, and the maternal grand-uncle of Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck. Also, the richest duck in the world
Scrooge McDuck
'Tis Doodle O'Clock ~☆
I just learned that people born in 1980s are known as the „Duck Tale Generation“ in Hungary, and I’ve decided I never want to hear Millennial again only „Duck Tale Generation“. Ok? Got it?
(Pic stolen from a local RPG discord) #ducktales #millennials
#happybirthday #jasonmantzoukas #actor #writer #jankompog #startrekprodigy #thedictator #thelegobatmanmovie #Krapopolis #PercyJacksonandtheOlympians #thehouse #theycametogether #invincible #bigmouth #brooklyn99 #UltraCitySmiths #DuckTales #AmericanDad #TheGoodPlace #RegularShow #johnwick #parebellum #closeenough #startrek58 @trekcore
#HappyBirthday @MarcEvanJackson #marcevanjackson #actor #hologram #doctor #syvek #startrek #lowerdecks #22JumpStreet #KongSkullIsland #Jumanji #WelcometotheJungle #Bombshell #ParksandRecreation #BrooklynNineNine #TheGoodPlace #DuckTales #Transformers #EarthSpark #TheBabySittersClub #FindingOhana #PopularTheory #startrek57 @trekcore
#Happybirthday #JackMcBrayer #actor #Badgey #StarTrek #LowerDecks #30Rock #forgettingsarahmarshall #talladeganights #wreckitralph #wanderoveryonder #TheLionGuard #TheBigBangTheory #DuckTales #PhineasandFerb #Smurfs #TheLostVillage #PuppyDogPals #bigmouth #amphibia #callmekat #BigCityGreens #startrek57 @trekcore
#HappyBirthday @jameelajamil #jameelajamil #actress #model #host #ensignasencia #StarTrekProdigy #titania #SheHulkAttorneyatLaw #howtobuildagirl #MarryMe #DCLeagueofSuperPets #loveatfirstsight #ducktales #JurassicWorld #CampCretaceous #pitchperfect #bumperinberlin #pokerface #startrek57 @startrek @startrekonpplus @netflixlat @marvelstudios @disneyplusla