Happy spring equinox, folks.
#SpringEquinox #EggBalancingDay #Equinox #EggBalancing #MythBustedButWhoCares
Some daffs for the Spring #equinox
It’s warm out there, like Phil Collins kind of warm*.
#daffodils #Bloomscrolling
(*No Jacket Required)
Happy spring to all who’ve made better life choices than I have… my front yard has a ways to go yet before I can start frolicking. #equinox #spring #Saskatchewan #Bloomscrolling
hastily written vernal thoughts for the equinox:
Happy #equinox
Introducing a new friend, cineraria.
Belongs to Asteraceae family that also includes sunflowers.
Today is the #Equinox, it's time to align your #megaliths! https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/uk/orkney-sousterrain/?s=mb
The Druids were up at dawn aligning their #megaliths. Now 'tis the time for feasting! https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/uk/stonehenge/?s=mc #Equinox #travel #prehistory
Good morning and a Happy Vernal Equinox to all my friends celebrating today!
Been a busy week and today should be...well, still busy. Work, followed by cleaning and building a new, small sleeper sofa for our basement game room. We'll see how that one goes. Hopefully it's not too complicated.
Hope you have a great one.
Before i fell and sprained my ankle yesterday (much less painful but still quite swollen, dr. appointment this evening) we did manage to find this yard full of crocuses, which was super cool!
Happy #Ostara
Welcome Spring Equinox!
Had to bundle up for the dog walk this AM - In the vicinity of the North Atlantic - the first day of Spring is dripping with condensation from the warming seas.
Celebrating today the fourth #equinox for the Equinox platform, an #opensource project to help the task of sustainable portfolio management be as simple, transparent and low-cost as possible.
Use it, fork it, like it, contribute, spread the word.
Today is the #Equinox, it's time to align your #megaliths! https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/uk/orkney-neolithic/?s=mb
The sun crossed the equator at 9:01am this morning on its way to the Tropic of Cancer on 21st June. The best time of year in the Northern Hemisphere has begun!
#MarchEquinox #VernalEquinox #Spring #Equinox
Happy #Equinox for those who celebrate!