Older Bro and Finn are live with more Fire Emblem Fates. Come hang out with us as we act stupid and play good games #3DS #Nintendo #IntelligentSystems #FireEmblem #FireEmblemFates #Revelation #gaming #ThursdayGaming #TBGN
Older Bro and Finn are live with more Fire Emblem Fates. Come hang out with us as we act stupid and play good games #3DS #Nintendo #IntelligentSystems #FireEmblem #FireEmblemFates #Revelation #gaming #ThursdayGaming #TBGN
Fire Emblem Heroes "Eirika: Of the Sacred" Emblem Hero Trailer:
It's a Sacred to everybody
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade continues!!! Tonight, Eliwood and the gang go to Ostia to finally meet Hector's big bro!!!
WARNING: Game may cause seizures. Viewer discretion advised.
Since its debut in 1990, Fire Emblem has captivated players with its deep tactical gameplay, memorable characters, and engaging stories. Here is a list of every core entry, ranked.
m!Byleth and f!Shez organizing documents in the base camp, commissioned by Anonymous Vgen Client!
I keep playing so many games at the same time and poking at them I just don't finish them LOL
#Ys Oath, last dungeon, untouched for a week
#DragonQuestXI, 20 hours in, right before some boss fight, untouched 2 weeks
#HollowKnight, finally resumed, since December
#DiceyDungeons, finally resumed, since February of 2024
#Hades, returned last week, unplayed since December, unplayed for a week again
#FireEmblem Blazing Blade unplayed for a week...
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade continues!!! Tonight, we continue on through The Dread Isle to save Eliwood's daddy!!!
WARNING: Game may cause seizures. Viewer discretion advised.
Fire Emblem Heroes "Attuned Alm & Rearmed Nuibaba" summoning event announced:
The fire still burns
Today's @pixel_dailies prompt was "lance", so I went to the well of #Fireemblem inspiration with Three Houses, and came up with a pixelly Lance of Ruin.
The one character I play in smash. Good ole Marth, nothing beats that!
The 2005 GameCube game #FireEmblem: Path of Radiance and its Wii sequel, Radiant Dawn, feature #Welsh character names. Greil, Gawain, Gareth, Rhys, and Heddwyn all have Welsh origins, while the magic tome Creiddylad is named after a mythical Welsh figure. More:
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade continues!!! Tonight we go aboard a pirate ship! Hope no one dies out at sea!!!
WARNING: Game may cause seizures. Viewer discretion advised.
One thing Engage does very well is bosses.
Heretofore, bosses have almost always been normal enemies with stats and equipment that are a little better. Engage gives them all multiple health bars and Emblem abilities, which get more numerous and powerful as you wear them down; some also have directed area-of-effect attacks. This all means that the bosses actually present a challenge and require tactice and coördination to defeat.
Fire Emblem Heroes "Special Heroes: Past Preconceptions" summoning event announced:
What's past is present
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade continues! Tonight, Eliwood's journey continues, and we find out if his daddy was indeed one of the baddies!!!
WARNING: Game may cause seizures. Viewer discretion advised.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses "Sylvain" Pop Up Parade figure available to pre-order:
Quite the affordable figure
#SteamNextFest recommendation for #DarkDeity2. It's a #TurnBasedStrategy game in the vein of #FireEmblem, but replaces the rock, paper, scissor mechanic with a focus on buildcraft via creative classes and active abilities.