Stori i ddysgwyr sydd yn #dysguCymraeg - story about Dave the cat and her friends for Welsh learners - gyda chyfieithiad (with translation)
1228: “Gwanwyn”, lle mae aredig. // “Spring”, in which there is ploughing.

Stori i ddysgwyr sydd yn #dysguCymraeg - story about Dave the cat and her friends for Welsh learners - gyda chyfieithiad (with translation)
1228: “Gwanwyn”, lle mae aredig. // “Spring”, in which there is ploughing.
As a Welshman, wish I could do this myself, but would a #Welsh speaking Mastodonian mind translating a few words into Welsh for me? It's for a daft cyberpunk thing.
Stori i ddysgwyr sydd yn #dysguCymraeg - story about Dave the cat and her friends for Welsh learners - gyda chyfieithiad (with translation)
1227: “Crymych”.
22 Mar 1186: Ailbe Ó Máelmuid, #Cistercian abbot of #Baltinglass #Wicklow preaches to a Provincial Synod at #Dublin #otd denouncing the incontinence of the #Welsh & #English Clergy in #Ireland
Stori i ddysgwyr sydd yn #dysguCymraeg - story about Dave the cat and her friends for Welsh learners - gyda chyfieithiad (with translation)
1226: “Twmpath”, lle mae gwacter. // “Mound”, in which there is emptiness.
𝗪𝗲𝗲𝗸𝗲𝗻𝗱! 𝗧𝗶𝗷𝗱 𝘃𝗼𝗼𝗿 𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝗪𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗵 𝗯𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗸
Het weekend luiden we in met een borrelplank! Dit keer heeft Hugo zich laten inspireren door de Welsh keuken. Voor deze borrelplank moet je wel een kleine hobbykok zijn. Het is een ingewikkelde, maar veelzijdige plank, met drie gerechten: van zoet tot hartig. Allereerst maken we Welsh rarebit, een tosti uit Wales. Vervolgens...
Yeah... I had two trips planned to the US this year, fortunately neither firm-firm enough to prevent me cancelling.
Going to take a hard line at work about travel there for the next four years. I'm going to miss the annual conference in Boston I usually go to every year.
C'est la vie. Other such conferences exist elsewhere, in less batshit mental countries.
Stori i ddysgwyr sydd yn #dysguCymraeg - story about Dave the cat and her friends for Welsh learners - gyda chyfieithiad (with translation)
1225: “Pwysau gwaed”, lle mae madarch. // “Blood pressure”, in which there are mushrooms.
Elon Musk salute drawn on #Welsh beach in Tesla protest
The "world’s biggest anti-Elon #Musk #protest" has been staged on a #beach in #Wales.
Campaign group #LedByDonkeys used a #Tesla to rake out the words "DON’T BUY A TESLA" alongside an image of Musk giving a #Nazi salute.
The message was created on Black Rock sands near #Porthmadog in Wales, and is supposedly visible from space.
Like #russia, the #US is no longer safe for tourists. In just the last two weeks, US authorities have detained two individuals: #Welsh citizen Becky Burke and Fabian Schmidt, a #German national who has been a US permanent resident since 2008.
Burke was held in a "#prison-like" #ICE processing center, while Schmidt was "violently interrogated."
Burke stated, "They keep saying in all their booklets that this is not a prison. It's hard to distinguish from my conception of a prison."
Stori i ddysgwyr sydd yn #dysguCymraeg - story about Dave the cat and her friends for Welsh learners - gyda chyfieithiad (with translation)
1224: “Gwyrth”, lle mae cyffuriau. // “Miracle”, in which there are drugs.
Stori i ddysgwyr sydd yn #dysguCymraeg - story about Dave the cat and her friends for Welsh learners - gyda chyfieithiad (with translation)
1223: “Sant”, lle mae trawsnewidiad wedi bod. // “Saint”, in which there has been a transformation.
Stori i ddysgwyr sydd yn #dysguCymraeg - story about Dave the cat and her friends for Welsh learners - gyda chyfieithiad (with translation)
1222: “Dŵr”, lle mae’r Archesgob yn sych. // “Water”, in which the Archbishop is dry.
"Filmed in Welsh with English subtitles, it epitomises how and why reviving seed diversity is a transformational act, helping to re-value and pass on the language, skills and culture that have enabled farmers and rural communities to thrive for generations in Wales, and around our living planet."
It's also really lovely just to hear the Pembrokeshire accent – "oeddwn" becoming "wen" and "fel" becoming "wel"
Mor hyfryd yw e.
Also – Welsh speakers – I'm interested to know what is said that's glossed in the subtitles as "it's a hassle". My ears can't make it out.
(I'm hashtagging "caturday" because of Twm, the farmer's cat, enjoying a lap )
Hashtag list incoming.
#Cymru #Wales #Welsh #Cymraeg #Pembrokeshire #Farming #Ffermio #Amaethyddiaeth #Agriculture #SeedDiversity #FolkMusic #Caturday
Stori i ddysgwyr sydd yn #dysguCymraeg - story about Dave the cat and her friends for Welsh learners - gyda chyfieithiad (with translation)
1221: “Bwydo”, lle mae letysen. // “Feeding”, in which there is a lettuce.
The 2005 GameCube game #FireEmblem: Path of Radiance and its Wii sequel, Radiant Dawn, feature #Welsh character names. Greil, Gawain, Gareth, Rhys, and Heddwyn all have Welsh origins, while the magic tome Creiddylad is named after a mythical Welsh figure. More:
Great little video here on the rediscovery and importance of #Welsh Black Oats.
"Filmed in Welsh with English subtitles, it epitomises how and why reviving seed diversity is a transformational act, helping to re-value and pass on the language, skills and culture that have enabled farmers and rural communities to thrive for generations in Wales, and around our living planet". #farming #ArableFarming #SeedExchange #SeedPreservation #DiwylliantCymreig #Cymru #Cymraeg
Stori i ddysgwyr sydd yn #dysguCymraeg - story about Dave the cat and her friends for Welsh learners - gyda chyfieithiad (with translation)
1220: “Aur”, lle mae cawell. // “Gold”, in which there is a cage.
Stori i ddysgwyr sydd yn #dysguCymraeg - story about Dave the cat and her friends for Welsh learners - gyda chyfieithiad (with translation)
1219: “Aeron”, lle mae pelen ffwr. // “Berries”, in which there is a furball.