Today, March 22, in 1982, Jenny Curran Gump passes away from an unknown virus (Forrest Gump, 1994)
Today, March 22, in 1982, Jenny Curran Gump passes away from an unknown virus (Forrest Gump, 1994)
Tom Hanks, Robin Wright e Robert Zemeckis Estreiam ‘Aqui’ nos Cinemas #aqui #cinema #comédia #drama #estreia #forrestgump #graphicnovel #ia #imagemfilmes #richardmcguire #robertzemeckis #robinwright #romance #tecnologiadeenvelhecimento #tomhanks
Forrest Gump collaborators Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, and Robert Zemeckis reunite in Here, a film exploring the rich history of a single plot of land. Despite box office struggles, it became a career highlight for Wright. Now available on streaming platforms.
#Here #HereMovie #HereFilm #TomHanks #RobinWright #RobertZemeckis #ForrestGump #Movies #MovieNews #Entertainment #EntertainmentNews #Celebrities #Celebrity #CelebrityNews #CelebrityInterviews
Guarda il testo della canzone “Forrest Gump” di Frank Ocean
#FrankOcean #ForrestGump
Nike Releases Cortez-Style ‘Forrest Gump’ Sneakers: Here’s Where to Score a Pair Online
#Variety #News #ForrestGump #Nike #Sneakers
Is it just me, or is there a similarity? And do they both think they are Lieutenant Dan in this scenario?
I saw the image on the left when I realized that I was involuntarily following the VP account on Instagram.
We're doing this corporate challenge in EMEA IT at the moment to go in sum a specific distance together. So I planned for 14km today. After 7km I had this #ForrestGump thing. At 10.5km I didn't want to risk anything and turned. And for the first time since years I had a #runnersHigh at km 14 clearly visible at the pace. The last 2km were a bit hard, but still OK. And still able to go the HM distance sub2. #running #runnersOfMastodon #halfMarathon
80 anni dalla nascita di #ElvisPresley, il cui comeback tour, a questo punto, potrebbe essere disagevole. Per ricordarlo, il primo #film (per la #TV) realizzato 2 anni dopo il volontario esilio da una coppia di artisti che avrebbe dettato legge da lì in poi. Chi sono? #JohnCarpenter come il nome dell'ultimo ruolo cinematografico del nostro e #KurtRussell che gli diede la voce in #ForrestGump. Elvis, il re del #rock - Streaming Sub ITA | Streaming Community #music
Nuovo anno di slancio, stasera segnalo...
#ForrestGump (Italia1)
#EnemyOfTheState (Rete4)
#MerryChristmas (TV2000)
#Togo (Rai1)
#TheNewWorld (Iris)
#TheAgeOfAdaline (La7)
#happybirthday @tomhanks #tomhanks #actor #castaway #big #forrestgump #savingprivateryan #toystory #TheGreenMile #CatchMeIfYouCan #AsteroidCity #AManCalledOtto #Finch #Elvis #TheTerminal #ThePolarExpress #CharlieWilsonsWar #CloudAtlas #CaptainPhillips #BridgeofSpies #Sully #TheDaVinciCode #AngelsandDemons #Inferno #TheCircle #ThePost #NewsoftheWorld
#happybirthday @HaleyJoelOsment #haleyjoelosment #actor #ltoconnor #startrek #lowerdecks #forrestgump #bogus #BeautyandtheBeast #TheEnchantedChristmas #thesixthsense #payitfoward #artificialintelligence #RiseoftheTeenageMutantNinjaTurtles #futureman #kingdomhearts #DogsinSpace #DragonsTheNineRealms #YoungJediAdventures #startrek57 @trekcore