Remember when the extreme right people would talk about their "Free Speech" rights, and we all knew what they wanted- which was to use "Free Speech" as a pretense to cause harm to Queer folks, and Black folks, and anyone they didn't like.
We called it out. We made fun of them, called it "Freeze Peach", etc.
When someone, under the pretense of "Free Speech", physically assaults someone else, sprays hate messages on their home, shoots at their school, physically blocks them from entering their school or work, gives away maps of where a "certain type of person" lives, etc. that's also not "Free Speech". It doesn't matter what the cause is, and if it's someone from the Left doing it. It's still not okay.
Call it out. Call it Freeze Peach. Call it whatever the hell we need to call it to make it stop.
And if you defend this stuff, then as far as I'm concerned, you can go to the same place as the Proud Boys go.