I know I said that I was going to rewatch #TheExpanse. Wound up rewatching the #LostInSpace reboot instead. It’s just as good though, right?
I know I said that I was going to rewatch #TheExpanse. Wound up rewatching the #LostInSpace reboot instead. It’s just as good though, right?
@MishaVanMollusq @TheBreadmonkey "Danger Will Robinson, danger!" #LostinSpace
This Billy Mumy interview is excellent. He's literally done everything.
Before he hit the big time, John Williams was Johnny Williams, and he composed the theme tunes for Lost in Space, The Time Tunnel and Land of the Giants. Here he is letting the creator of those series, Irwin Allen, play with his baton (I suspect there's a crude joke there, but I'm really not the sort of chap to make it).
Happy Birthday, Johnny... John.... Mr Williams... Sir!
Random Old Comic: Robots for Sale https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/06/25/robots-for-sale/ Robots for Sale #C3PO #Data #Ejector #Jawa #Jetsons #LostinSpace #LukeSkywalker #Muppets #R2D2 #Robot #Rosie #StarTrek #StarWars #SteelRabbit #Terminator #Transformers https://www.facebook.com/815217756713386/posts/1252249263010231?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
Final Illustration from "Wrecked In Space," a book I wrote in childhood. 1960s. #childhood #book #books #picturebook #picturebooks #childhoodcreativity #creativity #pencil #pencils #coloredpencils #sketch #sketching #writing #lostinspace #vintagetelevision #vintagetv
I re-watched the #LostinSpace episode 'War of the Robots' again last night in which Robby the Robot of #ForbiddenPlanet makes his first guest appearance on the series. The mechanism that Robby was playing, they kept on insisting it was not a #robot, but rather a #robotiod. Was this term used outside of ‘Lost in Space’ anywhere? The difference as it was explained in the episode is that a robot is constrained by its programming whereas a robotoid is free to act completely independently.
#remembering #tedcassidy #actor #ruk #startrek #whatarelittleboysmadeof #balok #thecarbomitemaneuver #theaddamsfamily #theimpossibles #planetearth #hulk #butchcassidy #poorprettyeddie #theharradexperiment #theherculoids #spaceghost #sixmilliondollarman #bionicwoman #idreamofjeannie #lostinspace #thebeverlyhillbillies #startrek57 @trekcore
#happybirthday @lesliehope #lesliehope #actress #director #kirameru #startrek #deepspacenine #StrangeNewWorlds #ncis #crimsonpeak #neverbackdown #thestrain #castle #everwood #theouterlimits #lostinspace #MurdochMysteries #lieexposed #snowpiecer #gaykeith #Suits #Station19 #ds930 #startrek57 @trekcore
#HappyBirthday @officialbillmumy #billmumy #actor #willrobinson #lostinspace #lennier #Babylon5 #TheRoadHome #kellin #startrek #Deepspacenine #TheTwilightZone #PerryMason #bewithched #themunsters #matlock #TheFlash #superboy #ben10 #ultimatealien #transfomers #rescuebots #ds930 #startrek57 @startrek @startrekonpplus @hbomaxla @tcmla