Noch ist die Kunst in diesem Lande frei. Die Pinselstriche, der Tanz, die Töne, die Worte... Noch. Was der Verlust von Freiheit bedeutet und wie viele hässliche Gesichter er hat, sehen wir gerade auf der Weltbühne.
Lasst uns die #Kunst feiern und vor dem Zugriff von Faschisten beschützen - als Kulturschaffende, als Publikum, als Veranstalter*innen und als politisch Verantwortliche.
Dernières places à saisir !
Que vous soyez débutant.e ou confirmé.e, ce stage sera l'occasion de vous immerger dans l'univers du modelage de l'argile pendant 4 jours conviviaux et riches d'apprentissage.
Je serai ravie de vous y accueillir !
Actor Clive Revill has died at 94. Read more on Hotchka+
Today we celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of the launch of HOTCHKA! We thank everyone who has been with us since the beginning, and we welcome everyone who has joined us since. Thanks for helping make HOTCHKA a success!
Nathan Lane says ‘homophobia is alive and well’ in Hollywood #Television&radio #LGBTQ+rights #NathanLane #Worldnews #Culture #USnews #Stage #Film
‘This is injustice’: inside Trump’s attack on funding for LGBTQ+ arts #Artanddesign #DonaldTrump #UStheater #Culture #Stage #Art
Broadway's new hit comedy "Operation Mincemeat", which opened March 20 for a 16 week run, has received its third extension, now running through February 15, 2026. It's unknown if the current cast will remain.
$921 for Othello: why have Broadway tickets gotten so expensive? #DenzelWashington #JakeGyllenhaal #UStheater #Broadway #Othello #Culture #Theatre #Stage
Donald Trump criticises George Clooney as ‘second-rate movie star and failed political pundit’ #GeorgeClooney #DonaldTrump #Broadway #Culture #Theatre #USnews #Stage #Film
neues Equipment getestet
#lightshow #stage #stagelighting
'Sister Act' makes a joyful noise at Ford's Theatre in Washington DC.
A new musical adaptation of "Beaches" will begin a pre-Broadway tour in the Fall of 2026. The show had its international premiere in Calgary last year with Jessica Vosk and Kelli Barrett. Casting for the tour is TBA.
I’m still here, in case you were wondering | Letters #Television&radio #Lifeandstyle #Architecture #DonaldTrump #Television #RoyalMail #Theatre #Culture #Acting #Spring #Birds #Stage