Working on the Skill set section now.
I hope this portfolio will be ended soon and will open new doors for me!
Working on the Skill set section now.
I hope this portfolio will be ended soon and will open new doors for me!
#Tailwind quickly becomes Upwind when want to try out new CSS properties.
My April workshop schedule is up
I now have some 4 day workshops (mon to thurs) as well as weekend workshops, to suit different schedules and time zones.
Topics include: #Django #Git #HTMX #Tailwind #Playwright #AlpineJS #AllAuth
Nicktio – the ultimate #NextJS #Tailwind website #template designed for payment platforms, #fintech #startups, and financial services. With sleek #design & robust functionality, launch your world-class web presence today!
v0.1.4 release - Wikimusic
lots of improvements including pagination (that works with sort), nice icons throughout the UI, on the technical side more keyword arguments for code maintainability, song version management, and more :)
visit my instance at :
instead, what do people do these days? they do #tailwind, as an improvement to styled #react components - both of which strike me as completely ass-backwards workarounds.
and that's exactly the kind of thing we get for not resisting: the entrenchment of suboptimal architectures!
seems to be a common theme in the history of the means of production, and hardly ever gets resolved in a nice and polite way. instead, revolutions happen, heads fly... then everyone forgets.
Thinking about the wasteful nature of #LLMs got me thinking about waste in my own development. While it can be convenient to use the large, enterprise-grade frameworks to deliver a minimalist website in 2025 - it's absurd.
Do I really need #laravel with #react, #jquery, #tailwind, #webFonts, #postgres to host some simple #markdown?
Do I need to re-render a bunch of static content at every hit? Does every simple article require 64 connections to the server to display?
I think not.
I want my material to be available to anyone who wants it - regardless of the device they are using or the robustness of their connection.
I want to respect users who disable #javascript for their personal protection.
I want to respect #ScreenReaders and users of assistive technology, without unnecessary complexity.
Everything we need is built into the HTML and CSS specs.
Looking for more interesting people to follow. Interested in #Programming #DevSecOps #TiddlyWiki #TypeScript #Astro #Tailwind #Gaming #ARPG #Borderlands
My first time trying Tailwind today (with Lustre). I was able to whip out a pretty decent UI with much less work than usual, though my "usual" is from scratch. Tailwind seems to have pretty sensible defaults, but it sure takes time to find out all the class names since they're kind of arbitrarily named. I'm quite happy with this from the hands of a terrible designer.
All in all, I might just continue using it for my small personal projects. So far it has been fun.
I do not like #tailwind css. I really do not like it. I do not get the appeal.
I would love to see tailwind in less projects in the future.
Sometimes I really hate my brain and the shit it gets hardstuck on.
Me: just playing around with a couple ideas on how to present the upcoming @catppuccin port for Tailwind V4 and built a silly little calendar UI.
Brain: But what if it actually worked?
Me: *spends the next couple hours figuring out how to build a working calendar in JS*
May I present: Probably the most over-engineered demo component I've ever build.
#Tailwind は設定周りを #CSS 関数化して大分 JS から #CSS 的なアプローチに変わった感があるけど、CSS 変数はそういう設定周りだけじゃなくてスタイリングの定義にガツガツ使ってはじめて効果が実感できるみたいな感覚もあり、「そこまで CSS 的なアプローチするならそもそも Tailwind 使わなくてよくない?」という気持ちがある。scoped なスタイル書く方法は色々あるわけだし、特に色周りなんかはカラーパレットを段階的に用意するのはもうナンセンスというか、主だった元カラーだけを用意して末端のスタイルでそれらを color-mix() とか color() とかで合成するほうが理にかなってる気がしてきている
Any #WebDev out there have an HTML block editor / page builder, they like?
I've hacked something together with #vuejs and #tinymce but it's cumbersome and janky, and think its time to cut my losses.
But I don't know what to go to. I'm in #php now, but will be rebuilding in #elixir very soon, so if there is something in Elixir / #phoenix that's decent off the shelf, i'd be curious to see that.
#tailwind css support for this would be extra cool.
Just upgraded my #blog
- #nextjs v15 (
- #tailwind v4
A huge round of applause for those that wrote the #upgrade tools. I never had a more seamless process of upgrading although my blog has a very small codebase, but still I literally just had to run two `npm/npx` commands that updated my codebase.
Pretty cool!
Fullstack Sentimental épisode 0x2 : le vent en poupe qui est compliqué.
#podcast #fullstacksentimental #tailwind #css