Wow, this week has wiped me out. We're short staffed at work (as predicted) so it's just been go, go, go all week. Tomorrow is a public holiday for WA but I work to the NSW public holiday schedule, so it's back to work for me while everyone else gets to laze about at home around me. Meh.
However, I did get to go to the community garden yesterday, which was fun. We harvested hops flowers (they smell delightfully herby and fresh) and dandelion root. I've chopped up the root and will roast it tomorrow to enjoy my very own cup of locally grown 'coffee'. Kind of excited about that. The hops flowers are in the freezer to be used in a relaxing tea when needed.
The long-range forecast for the current and next season, Bunuru and Djeran (autum, or roughly March -- May) is warmer than usual and also dry. I am trying to see how we can budget in a rainwater tank or two for next summer. I'm looking forward to the rain, as always at this time of year.
Failing the rain, here are the good things:
- found a ripe strawberry while watering the garden and ate it
- descaled both the washing machine and the dishwasher and cleaned the seals. That might sound very proactive of me, but I can't remember the last time I did either, so they were well overdue. However, I did feel very accomplished
- there were no eggs at the shop the other day and we were completely out and then Kid2 went hunting and found four! Woohoo!