Adventures getting #Netflix to work in a somewhat complex home #network 
I decided to give their plan with ads a chance, sounding like a somewhat fair deal. First issue was, I couldn't even register. It only offered me US plans. Figured that's because my #IPv6 connectivity is tunnelled through #HE (for reasons, different story). Of course using an endpoint here in Germany, but nevertheless, Netflix seemed to think it's a US located address.
Running my own #bind9 instance, I found a way to hide relevant AAAA records (netflix' own domain and also amazonws) by adding a view only operating on local loopback and filtering out ALL AAAA records, and then adding forward-only zones for these domains to this local view. Horrible, but works, now I could register, forcing #IPv4.
One particularly cheap "smart-tv" still couldn't connect to netflix, always showing me an error that I was using some "VPN".
No way to analyze what exactly was happening there, but I finally found a solution for that as well: I created an entirely new network segment (with its own #vlan on the switch). I don't offer IPv6 in this segment at all, and only allow it to access the internet as well as my local #dns server. Putting all tv sets and my #minidlna instance into this segment, everything finally works.
The nice thing is, I always wanted to isolate the tv sets anyways, and this is now finally done, they're unable to see the rest of my home network!
Still a bit sad I have to restrict them to IPv4 for now, just to work around netflix' geolocation stuff...