#geblin #sylvin
20. how is the month?
#geblin #sylvin
20. how is the month?
I'm starting a few new paintings this week. For one of them, I'm recycling an older painting I was never happy with. I'm beginning by gluing a piece of muslin down over the old piece, to create a new surface that still has a ghostly echo of the former painting.
I'm starting a few new paintings this week. For one of them, I'm recycling an older painting I was never happy with. I'm beginning by gluing a piece of muslin down over the old piece, to create a new surface that still has a ghostly echo of the former painting.
19. three stroke letters
(wrong again aefhi)
rev. queen of pentacles
10 of cups
unwater of earth, manifestation of all stages of the cycle of water.
Following on the page from 18., some new colors have entered the mix.
My question now is, if acrylic paint is one step away from being awkward ink, is a nib therefore the most excellent small round brush? Is a nib the best painting tool for details? Will I make a second pen set reserved for oil paints?
18. lucky charms?
8 of cups
rev. 4 of wands
splendor of gnomes, un-mercy of fire.
17. what would you do with the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
7 of cups
rev. 8 of wands
A lot of solar plexus.
This was trying some colors out. The drab purple mix I have been working with, a primary blue, and a quinacridone crimson. Both were just mixed with distilled water in their own containers, and applied with dip nib.
Somewhere I have never been to. A Carribean beach. Acrylic on paper, 29 x 39 cm.
#carribean #acrylicpainting #acrylicart #acrylicpaint #artwork
16. Write the pangram "When zombies arrive, quickly fax Judge Pat"
rev. 6 of pentacles
5 of wands.
Ascending numbers again. Strife
15. Two stroke letters?
(i did it wrong again.)
XIII Death
page of pentacles
Scorpio, earth of earth.
Sorry there have not been enough goblins lately.
#sylvin #surfneblin (gnomish)
11. (More drills...) write the pangram “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”?
8 of pentacles (again)
rev. 10 of swords.
Mercury of earth, un-material culmination of air's aspect.
Creativity, and un-creativity's ruin.
Here's to staving off ruination!
This is acrylic paint and distilled water!
(and some watercolor crust. Don't worry about it...)
I don't think I've used a dip pen with acrylic paint so successfully before!
I have been scraping by with art goals, but really need to kick it up a few goblins.
An acrylic painting of waterlilies. Acrylic on paper, 41 x 29 cm.
#acrylicpainting #waterlily #waterlilies #acrylicpaint #acrylicart #artwork
“Œuvre Océane” is an amazing collaboration between two DSBSoc-artists we introduced earlier: Sylvie Salmon and Valérie Ferchaud.
210 x 120 cm
Acrylic paint and ink on poster wall
by Sylvie Salmon
By Valérie Ferchaud