Bestial Human Centipede
Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, Writing by Colin Chapman
Centipedoids are truly voracious predators and will willingly attack and devour any animal that looks like it can be easily overcome, intelligent or otherwise. Because they are swift, aggressive, poison-armed carnivores, humans hate them. Only by being accompanied by more human appearing individuals, promising to stay in the team’s quarters, and by paying guards a bribe (40+2d20sp) will they be allowed into a human settlement. In most cases, any militia will simply attack them.
Watch a video intro of this new book at RPG Overviews on Youtube:
#centipede #beast #bestial #manimal #RPG #ttrpg #bug #venom #bestialhuman #characters #noaiart #williammcausland #wasteland #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #expansionrules #postapocalyptic #themutantepoch #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #Kamloopsartist #apocalyptic #falloutl like #gammaworld #humanoidanimal #roleplayinggame #indiegame
Atari Centipede Emulator Brings Arcade Classic to Commodore 64
#Commodore64 #RetroGaming #ArcadeClassics #Centipede #C64 #RetroComputing
@norbert_kehrer published a #Centipede #Arcade #emulator for the #Atari #8bit computer:
Oil sketch, unfinished. This has been drying for... a while. Maybe close to a year? I plan to add more.
'Mehr als vier Beine' sieht man hier sicher
#millepede #centipede #Tausendfüßer #photography #fotografie
Caught this friendly house #centipede.
As I was putting up the fire it ran past me. They are fast as hell and look weird but are actually harmless! They'll eat up the spiders and bugs in your house.
Researching for a blog post and ran across my favorite game ever, Centipede, archived fully 10 years ago at the Internet Archive. Via the 'Internet Arcade'. Love it. And it loads up in MAME. Rad.
Have I done #TenGamesToKnowMe here yet? I forget.
If I have, this is an updated version for 2023. Here's mine, in no particular order.
* Centipede (my favorite game ever. Arcade version! Lemme shoot those bugs!)
* Black Widow (also the arcade version - I'm totally hooked on this one too, and it was a more recent discovery. When I go to an arcade with retro machines, I basically just want to play this and Centipede the whole time.)
* Wolfenstein 3D (a classic, still playable. Who doesn't love killing digital Nazis?)
* Diablo (1, 2, 3, 4, Immortal, any. Just choose one and I love it. What a series. Hooked.)
* Gun Nac (my favorite technical [ship based] shootemup-- if you don't count Centipede as a shootemup. A rare one for the NES. If you like shooters and get the chance to play this, even emulated, don't miss it.)
* Wizodd (I love roguelikes and indie games, and this one is both. Just a cool, simple game that's definitely beatable and replayable. But you won't beat it every time!)
* Mario Kart (another that it doesn't really matter the series, although the Wii one might be my favorite, closely followed by the SNES one. I definitely play the Wii one the most.)
* Doom (1 or 2, preferably. I feel like those are most classic, and those are the ones that got me hooked. More recent ones I'm not as much about, but those first two.. wow.)
* Beam Rider (I'm throwing this in because it's an amazing game for the Atari 2600. Maybe one of the best ones. I feel like it gets overlooked with all the other great ones on the system, River Raid, etc.)
* Beekyr Reloaded (okay, this is a weird one. I was tempted to put Neko Navy or Q-Yo Blaster or another modern indie shootemup that I love in here somewhere instead, but Beekyr is too rad. I love bees and I love shooters, so this one was definitely for me, despite its creator not really being happy with its port.)
Those are my ten, and I'm sticking with them. (At least for today ). There are SO MANY other games I love, but these ten are huge.
My all-time favorite game is the original arcade version of Centipede. This 1982 commercial is for the Atari 5200 version, but it's epic and really nails the weird, frantic feel of the game.
A bark centipede, painted on an oyster shell. The first time I saw a video of one of these running around, I was creeped out. But drawing and painting it, I grew a certain fondness for all those legs and its long, bendy body.
Soon to be for sale in the shop at the Seattle Art Museum. For information on purchasing, see my website:
Hope everyone is attempting to have a little decent time off, if you get some. Years ago I wouldn't even take time, but now, I do. Even just to sit around and not do much, hang out with the cats, maybe clean. Had my kid over for a few days and we went to the arcade. That was cool. Threw some new scores on the ol' Centipede machine. My favorite game of all time. (I'm JGB). #arcade #arcadegames #80s #80sgames #Centipede #retrogames #retrogaming
One more Mars Attacks post. One of Topps' rules for these cards was "no triptychs!" But I snuck one in without anyone noticing. :)