My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Some zooms into my "Primeval Clevedon Bay" painting (2022), depicting fish, crinoids, othrocones, corals, gastropods, and brachiopods in an Early Carboniferous shallow sea. This painting was the first winner of the Marsh Palaeoart Award.
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Here's a second painting of the Severn Estuary, this time during the Early Carboniferous. Called "Primeval Clevedon Bay," it features fish, crinoids, othrocones, corals, gastropods, and brachiopods. This painting was the first winner of the Marsh Palaeoart Award.
SciTech Chronicles. . . . . . . . .Mar 12th, 2025
#flux #Artic #California #Spain #KBOs #Altjira #Arrokoth #eclipsing #LISTER #heat-flow #Firefly #jackhammer #3-to-4-inches #Carboniferous #marine #petalodonts #groundwater #flooding #low-lying #first
Crossbedded sandstones (mostly) of the Minnaun Formation at Ceide Fields, Mayo, Ireland. The formation is Carboniferous in age.
One of my favourite houseplants is this Sago palm. Except it isn't a palm, but a cycad (Cycas revulata). One of the few common, non-endagered cycads, it is a native of Southern Japan.
The cycads are a fascinating group - with origins going back to the early Permian (possibly even the Carboniferous), they have survived 3 mass extinction events, including the massive late Permian event, as well as the dinosaur-killing Jurassic event, and the event at the end of the Cretaceous.
Now they are truly endangered again - through climate change, but especially because of human greed. Driven to near-extinction because of poaching. With the exception of a few species, like the sago palm, they are all protected and are not destined for the houseplant market.
An interesting convergence of interests: This is siphonodendron, a colonial coral dating to the Carboniferous. Taken at Queen Maeve's Tomb, Knocknarea, Sligo (2018).
The rocks are from the Darty Limestone formation, that defines the Knocknarea hill.
So, I have to learn lots of #fossils for the #paleontology exam... I was planning on drawing one per day, but I do not think this will be enough Too many fossils, too little days. Perhaps 3 per day will be a perfect number, but I will start with one for now:
Sphenophyllum sp.
#PaleoArt #DigitalArt #art #plants