Das ist der Kommentar zur #Realität, zur Jetztzeit, zu dem, was du morgen und übermorgen in den Medien sehen wirst...
#Dontlookup #LeonardoDiCaprio #wewillalldie #Trump #thelunaticshavetakenovertheasylum
Das ist der Kommentar zur #Realität, zur Jetztzeit, zu dem, was du morgen und übermorgen in den Medien sehen wirst...
#Dontlookup #LeonardoDiCaprio #wewillalldie #Trump #thelunaticshavetakenovertheasylum
Währenddessen geben sich #CDU, #CSU und #SPD größte Mühe, das Drehbuch von #DontLookUp nachzuspielen.
Ob sie den Film jemals zu Ende gesehen haben?
It's common knowledge that we have known about the greenhouse effect since the late 19th century. Having started Andrea Wulf's "The Invention of Nature" about Alexander von Humboldt, its interesting to read that he observed human activity changing climate as well as destroying ecosystems and tried to warn of the risk at the very beginning of that century.
Good thing we paid attention and rapidly learned not to trash the planet, eh?
Why did I do this today? Because of the ZEC calculation I mention in #1 .
The Zero Emissions Commitment = how much warming can be expected after CO2zero.
That 10 year lag after a CO2 pulse would locate the span for ZEC at 10 years.
@MichaelEMann says in this conversation with the director of #DontLookUp , that the oceans are going to keep taking up lots of CO2 for quite a while – which, he says, counters the warming tail and shortens it. http://redgreenandblue.org/2022/01/19/prof-michael-mann-speaks-dont-look-director-adam-mckay/
My chart above says: there is no warming tail.
And my assumption in #1 says: if the weakening AMOC leads to less and less ocean CO2 uptake, like the paper states, our continued emissions, should they continue, increase the CO2 growth peaks.
But that's not going to directly immediately changing the amplitude of the °C anomaly, as I found out in my chart above.
Now to the thing I had actually planned for today: plotting Antarctic CO2 and Greenland's local temperature from before the Younger Dryas.
@marinetondelier Restons debout! Comme le dit #SaloméSaqué c'est l'heure de #résister contre ces assassins https://newsie.social/@cartoonmovement/114142210069879520 #DontLookUp #UrgenceÉcologique
@martin @bloui @jbouchez j’aime cette citation de #DavidSuzuki et aussi une autre d’un spécialiste du moyen-orient interviewé par #Infoman : “on se bat pour une place assise sur le pont du Titanic” #DontLookUp
@_Wiesenthal_S_ But luckily, #Trump and #Musk will most likely defund and prohibit any further atmospheric studies by #NASA or #NOAA that could give proof how severly #SpaceX is damaging our atmosphere and #ozonelayer . Yeah, we‘re really lucky they act so responsible, so we don‘t have to worry any longer. #DontLookUp #Science #Space #DOGE
@patrickworld The similarities are indeed stunning!
#DontLookUp !
I despair. Again.
“BP to slash green investment and ramp up gas and oil” https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3374ekd11po
My main takeaway is that oil companies make obscene returns from extracting a natural “resource” no-one can truly own (160% profit? WTAF!?) and they and their shareholders place greed above the whole of humanity. I realise this is not news. So, roll on the apocalypse because yay money!
Verlierer des Abends: Klima- und Artenschutz in den kommenden 4 Jahren - nicht nur in DE…
Bloß gut, „dass morgen eben nicht die Welt untergeht…“!
#dontlookup get your energy wasted on illegal migration, gender, wokeness and the “jungle camp”, all more important that actual shit happening- such as #WARINUKRAINE or the #coup Nothing to see here. Musk will rename it goldilocks and try to catch it for a brazillion USD. https://arstechnica.com/space/2025/02/the-odds-of-a-city-killer-asteroid-impact-in-2032-keep-rising-should-we-be-worried/
Intussen stijgt de zeespiegel gestaag door. En ook nog eens twee keer zo snel als 25 jaar geleden.