If you're a senior career manager in the #federal #government, and you receive an "order" from Elno cutting your funding or requiring you to fire people, it seems to me that you have two options:
- Comply
The upside of compliance is that you may get to keep your job very slightly longer (don't worry, they'll get to you eventually). The downside is you're destroying the very agency you've spent your career building. And (take my word for it) laying off your colleagues is no fun. Also: everybody will hate you.
- #Resist
The downside of #resistance is that you'll probably get fired. On the other hand, you'll be able to look yourself in the mirror, and you will have refused to follow an illegal order, as simple ethics and morality demand. Plus you'll have a hell of a wrongful termination suit.
Either way you're eventually out of a job. Why not do the right thing now, when you can make a difference? #Democracy is depending on you.