¡El Arrowverso desperdició a Hawkman y Hawkgirl! ¿Merecían una mejor historia?
¡Cuéntanos tu opinión!
#Arrowverso #DCComics #LegendsOfTomorrow https://www.cinemascomics.com/arrowverso-tenia-personajes-merecian-mas/
¡El Arrowverso desperdició a Hawkman y Hawkgirl! ¿Merecían una mejor historia?
¡Cuéntanos tu opinión!
#Arrowverso #DCComics #LegendsOfTomorrow https://www.cinemascomics.com/arrowverso-tenia-personajes-merecian-mas/
#happybirthday @BrandonJRouth #brandonrouth #actor #clarkkent #supermanreturs #legendsoftomorrow #crisisoninfiniteearths #TheFlash #Arrow #Batwoman #Vixen #scottpilgrimvstheworld #TakesOff #dylanthedog #chuck #TheExes #WillandGrace #ColdCase #TheRookie #TheNineKittensofChristmas #LostinthePacific #Anastasia #OnceUponaTime
#HappyBirthday @thejohnnoble #johnnoble #actor #thediviner #StarTrekProdigy #lordoftherings #thereturnoftheking #fringe #TheLastAirbender #theconjuring #thedevilmademedoit #allsaints #homeandaway #DarkMatters #transformersprime #beasthunters #predaconrising #SleepyHollow #elementary #legendsoftomorrow #cowboybebop #severance #startrek57 @trekcore
#happybirthday @cresswilliams #cresswilliams #actor #talaktalan #startrek #deepspacenine #thejemhaddar #blackligtning #legendsoftomorrow #theflash #neverbeenkissed #fallen #inyoureyes #prisonbreak #greysanatomy #fridaynightlights #doubt #TheViolentHeart #CrimeStory #WhatRemains #ds930 #startrek57 @trekcore
#happybirthday @rubyrose #rubyrose #actress #model #mtv #vj #AroundtheBlock #OrangeIstheNewBlack #ResidentEvil #TheFinalChapter #XXXReturnofXanderCage #JohnWick #Chapter2 #PitchPerfect3 #TheMeg #TheFlash #Arrow #Supergirl #Batwoman #LegendsofTomorrow #TheDoorman #SASRedNotice #Vanquish #Taurus #TheCollective
#HappyBirthday #johnnoble #actor #thediviner #StarTrekProdigy #lordoftherings #thereturnoftheking #fringe #TheLastAirbender #theconjuring #thedevilmademedoit #allsaints #homeandaway #DarkMatters #transformersprime #beasthunters #predaconrising #SleepyHollow #elementary #legendsoftomorrow #cowboybebop #severance #startrek56 @trekcore
With the end of the Arrowverse, of course it’s a weird #LegendsOfTomorrow scene that goes viral.
1: On the Waverider with my #StarLord jacket
2: At #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 with my Time Bureau shirt and Waverider hat.
I'm passionate about the things I'm writing about, but wish that I didn't like such weird, niche stuff that's basically impossible to sell a book about. When I get closer to my #LegendsOfTomorrow book being done, I may share my spreadsheet of ideas and let people vote on what I should write next.
Been pretty preoccupied with the crowdfunding campaign for my new book, so I haven't been as active on here as I should be.
If you didn't hear, I'm writing an oral history of #LegendsOfTomorrow. I can't wait to finish it up and share it with all of you.
Getting a #Substack set up so that I have a good place to share some process stuff while writing the new book. This is also where you can listen to @zdroberts and me on the Emerald City Video Podcast in the future!
#LegendsofTomorrow #JosieAndThePussycats #BoosterGold #SelfPublishing
if you want to read my book about #LegendsOfTomorrow AND make me get a Legends tattoo, you're in luck! That's the next stretch goal on my #Kickstarter!
My upcoming oral history of #LegendsOfTomorrow is currently funding on #Kickstarter. Check it out!
Bringing this back around. Anybody want to support my upcoming book? It's an unofficial oral history of #LegendsOfTomorrow, one of my favorite shows and one of the best superhero series ever made.
I’m writing an oral history of #LegendsOfTomorrow, and you can order it on #Kickstarter now:
Tomorrow at 10 a.m. ET, the crowdfunding campaign for my second book (an oral history of #LegendsOfTomorrow) will launch. Follow it here to be the first to order a copy, and watch the campaign for some fun extras!